Just In
for Across the Bridge

6/3/2023 c11 Madeshka
I like Erik calling Christine out on her concern over Raoul. In fairness her feelings are complicated. While she chose Erik, she still would not want to see Raoul harmed or killed. Glad Erik acknowledged that. We were left with a bit of a cliffhanger though...please post soon!
5/27/2023 c10 Madeshka
I love this new Erik and Christine! The epitome of cool, calm, and collected. Leaves the reader hopeful, engaged, and definitely wanting more...
5/21/2023 c9 Madeshka
Erik being able to both feel and release his profound anguish and having Christine there to comfort him is poignant and heartbreaking. Undoubtedly their challenges are endless, yet the storyline allows for so much more hope for them. Having Nadir, Adele, and Meg helping them is always comforting and familiar. Please carry on...
5/15/2023 c5 2AnotherSilentObserver
Great banter between Erik and Nadir.
5/14/2023 c8 Madeshka
We are always so used to Erik in black-and-white: evil; good; angry; sad; incapable of insight or logical reason, etc. Here we get insight into his thought processes; morals; humor; sarcasm, etc. It changes and challenges some of my previous perceptions of him. Christine is very focused; loving; dedicated. Again, a very different version of our original Christine. We are being led to a new version of our traditional Phantom story...
5/14/2023 c7 MaFerviolon
please continue
5/6/2023 c7 Madeshka
While the characters are the same, I like the newness of all this. People are different. Opinions are different. More realistic and independent thinking. I also like less drama and angst between Erik and Christine. More of a normal relationship developing. Of course Nadir and Adele are always welcome and loved. Possibilities are endless, so please continue...
4/30/2023 c6 Madeshka
Erik and Christine developing their relationship is going to prove interesting. She is honest, passionate, and expresses herself freely. Erik is equally passionate, yet has a hard time accepting or believing anything positive about himself. In many ways it reminds me of a woman and child, or a client and a therapist, where you have someone who challenges your misconceptions and helps you develop new and positive coping strategies. I always love Nadir or Adele being in the picture as well. Keep the chapters coming, please!
4/30/2023 c6 cario
I feel like I missed something. I thought they were going to eat with Nadir and who said "Erik, are you in there?"
4/23/2023 c5 Madeshka
First of all, I so love this unlikely trio and their interactions. I also like the fact that most Phantom stories are pretty cut-and-dried. Love conquers all and everything works out or it doesn't. In this story, reality comes more into play: Erik is so damaged and socially inept; Nadir has seen more than his share of drama and heartache; Christine is going into a new world and taking it a step at a time. Yet the approach you have taken is so much more...human. Loving it!
4/18/2023 c2 AnotherSilentObserver
Loved the Girys' sass.
4/16/2023 c4 Madeshka
Christine was great! She protected Erik, lied through her teeth convincingly, and professed her love to him. I think it was good for Erik to not be in total control for once. I think their relationship has a much better chance of surviving and being healthier with mutual respect and communication. Keep writing!
4/12/2023 c3 MaFerviolon
continue please
4/9/2023 c3 Madeshka
Oh I am liking this! Christine seems resolved and clear/confident in her own mind. Their interaction is cautious, loving, honest, and determined. Licking my chops for more...
4/2/2023 c2 Madeshka
Very nicely written. Like the new direction with all its unknowns and possibilities.

So glad to see our beloved Nadir as well. Sad to see how much Adele and Meg are struggling. Hopefully Erik forgives them and let's them back into his life.

Please hurry with that next chapter!
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