Just In
for To a Place of Safety

7/20 c5 hourhercrevan
This was an awesome little story I loved it!
2/26 c5 4Tempest S
How cute!
2/5 c5 25917brat
this is wonderful, the reactions, how things turned out, and the ending all brilliant loved this so much.
11/18/2023 c5 2musme
I love it very much!
7/28/2023 c1 IJustWannaReadEpicStories
You say there are 3 house elves but mentions 4, and I can assure you, I won't break from your Cardassian Torture!
7/24/2023 c5 1mayawene
Thank you
7/16/2023 c5 2Alianna15
Love this story, keep ip the great writing and creativity <3
6/18/2023 c5 autumngold
Absolutely fabulous story! Thank you so much for this wonderful story!
6/9/2023 c5 1JustAReader248
aww this was a much needed read for me thanks so much for this masterpiece
6/9/2023 c4 JustAReader248
omw better than i could have ever predicted i love love love it
6/9/2023 c3 JustAReader248
come on let them at least kiss a bit! love this story definitely one of my new faves
6/9/2023 c2 JustAReader248
oh shite please Jaskier Harry is right there he's so much better
6/9/2023 c1 JustAReader248
I absolutely love this Jaskier and Harry together stop my bleeding heart!
6/7/2023 c5 paso-fino
i love this story, thank you so mich
6/7/2023 c5 Estis68
I really loved this story from start to finish. I'm glad Yennefer got her comeback.
Thanks for your writing.
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