Just In
for Dragon eater (discountinued)

4/6/2023 c1 3Saturnfoxy
I will say to whoever wishes u may take this story if u wish
3/31/2023 c1 manners
friend this is after the 4 shinobi war

friend naruto is a demigod since he is the reincarnation of ashura the youngest son of the sage of the 6 path

Naruto has his sage mode transformation of the 6 paths

Naruto has a rinnegan and sasuke's sharingan

friend make a love story fic of naruto x erza and irene belserion

friend pon as main couple of naruto x erza and irene belserion

Naruto X Erza And Irene Belserion
4/1/2023 c3 Insitreader
I can’t wait until you decide to do this song again, I personally like the story and where it might’ve gone.
4/1/2023 c2 One Happy Birb
What am I reading here exactly? This is more of an essay trying to be a story.

Dunno about the other reviewers, but I've read more fic with 500 to 1k words that are more engaging to read than this.. what do you even call this?

I usually commend others and leave positive remarks, but this, this is just meh.

Overall, the title is the only thing that got my attention, that's it.
3/31/2023 c1 King0fP0wers
I recommed taking a look at other stories. The writing style is rough, to put it plain.
3/31/2023 c1 Insitreader
I would love more and to see were this might go
3/31/2023 c1 r4vu3ezy
No spaces after commers
3/31/2023 c1 r4vu3ezy
Goober type shi

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