Just In
for Sinful Seduction

8/18 c33 25The Vampire Goddess
This story is so good I read it twice. Love the lemons. Yours are some of the best. I started reading soft launch and the experience experiment.
8/4/2023 c33 Kate1386
Too busy reading to review but thoroughly enjoyed this
7/27/2023 c28 twilightobession
So glad Rose likes Bella and is not judging her for what her mother did. Is there something wrong with Rose? Is she sick or just overworked.
7/16/2023 c33 1jlap.mypersonalfiles
any way we get some outtakes of these two?
7/13/2023 c31 jlap.mypersonalfiles
o k
7/12/2023 c33 Mistydeb
Aww so glad it worked out for them in the end. I really hope karma hasn’t finished playing with Mike or Renee just yet, lol. Debbie
7/12/2023 c32 Mistydeb
Phew , glad the snake was useful for something. Especially if he helped Edward get rid of her and a share of her wealth at the same time. Debbie
7/12/2023 c31 Mistydeb
Omfg. What a horrible snake he is, let’s hope they can get out of this hole. Debbie
7/12/2023 c33 Ajfflady
Pearly … girl you have some wild imagination. I wondered how you would spin this into a HEA. Very spicy also like ghost pepper hot.
Where do you get your ideas for stories? I love your wicked mind. Peace.
7/11/2023 c5 Mistydeb
Oh my, they are really going there right now. In a way I hope Renee comes home and puts a stop to it before it goes too far. Debbie
7/11/2023 c4 Mistydeb
Oh dear, let’s hope he at least tries to wait until Renee is going out of the picture. Debbie
7/11/2023 c3 Mistydeb
Oh my, he should not have said that…poor Bella, lol. Debbie
7/10/2023 c33 3Evelyne-raconte
Woaw, je reviens de 2 semaines de vacances et je trouve tellement de chapitres à lire.
Je viens de passer un très bon moment de lecture. Merci pour cette bonne histoire.
A bientôt pour une autre.
7/9/2023 c33 CourtneyLeighCullen
Woah. So good.
7/7/2023 c33 Donna J Dowling
Great chapter. Happy and glorious ending. A future-take or epilogue would be awesome too! I'm with Edward too; nothing like karma with Mike running the business to the ground. Serves him right! Doesn't surprise me with the marriage proposal either. I have loved this story from beginning to end. thanx ;o)
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