Just In
for Sinful Seduction

7/7/2023 c33 Revin12
Loved it all.
7/7/2023 c33 Jen1072
That was great loved it.
7/7/2023 c31 they call me red
I hate Mike. He’s an asshole in every permutation of the twilight story.
7/7/2023 c33 44Paty4Hale
Oohhh phew! Crisis adverted then. I almost had a heart attack.

I liked how this went. It certainly wasn’t what I expected from those first few chapters hehe.

Are you going to do an extra chapter, maybe then with a little cutie kid?
7/7/2023 c33 ChristyWIX
Very happy to read Mike is ruining the business he played the long game for by not working. I’m thinking all those people who left Edward are wishing they never did. Also glad to read his family may move there to be closer to him. Though Emmett’s business is there in Arizona. Maybe he could start a second bar in New Mexico. If it’s only an hour flight, he could write off the travel expenses, being successful in both states. I am happy Edward and Bella seem happy after what they’ve been through. It is what you want for the characters by the end of the story. Thank you for sharing your imagination with us here. ~ChristyWIX
7/7/2023 c32 ChristyWIX
Not what I expected, but he’s free from Renèe and she had to pay him. Bummer about Mike getting exactly what he wanted with the business. Also, it’s a wee bit sad he’s moving away from his family. Him and his mom are close now. He and Rose too. Now he’s moving so he can start all over again. Yikes.
7/7/2023 c31 ChristyWIX
Are you effing kidding me with Mike's announcement here? You cannot let him win anything from Edward. Nooooooo. He’s is a snake, Bella chose the right word. If Mike has a recording of them together, it will be really bad. However, if he’s got recordings, he also has recordings of him with Renèe. All without anyone's consent. Illegal. Hopefully, Mike was bluffing with the bookkeeper info, but he most likely wasn’t, damn. He'd do it on purpose to make sure Edward failed even more, after he finished taking his business from him. Please tell me you’ve got spectacular plans for Mike and prison. Emmett is right, Bella testifying against her mother in court should definitely work. I freaking hope so. I just want Edward to still have his business and Bella by the end of this. Fingers crossed.
7/7/2023 c33 1Azlady2003
I would love a future take...does Edward get the kid he wants with Bella? I'm glad Edward got lots of money and love the karma to Renee, I also love the karma to Edward's clients who left for cheaper and now wish they still had edward...wish Mike went to jail for insider stealing or something but karma that he's gonna be poor even after his scheming.
7/7/2023 c33 debslmac
:) loved this
7/7/2023 c32 debslmac
7/7/2023 c31 debslmac
7/7/2023 c32 Azlady2003
I was hoping Mike would go to jail
7/7/2023 c31 Azlady2003
hope Mike goes to jail and Renee too
7/7/2023 c29 2NKubie
Ruh roh! Emmett and Rose are good people for Bella to have in her corner!

Stay safe and well!
7/7/2023 c33 cbmorefie
Loved it! Please say there will be a future take? Them settled into married life, Renee's reaction/miserable life, did Edward get the kids he wanted, etc...
Thanks for writing this!
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