Just In
for The Good Life (WC - Jujutsu Kaisen)

13m c60 PasiveNox
Great chapter wonderful wonderful
9/3 c59 Super98
9/3 c59 PasiveNox
Cool theory anyway great chapter wonderful wonderful
9/2 c34 Ap0c4l1pS1S
Its really difficult to give a damn about the mc or Homelander. They could all die and i would only see it as Karma.

Antiheroes are good, MC's like this one not so much.
8/31 c59 Guest
Gotta say, this chapter was a *Blast*.
8/30 c59 Kalstorm99
Great chapter! I'm looking forward to seeing how much fun Law will have getting the fingers.
8/30 c59 M2R
so jjk is fucked?
8/30 c59 1NikeGobbler
My one gripe is that Sukuna needs to touch someone/something in order to use Cleave. Other than that I’d say you did a pretty good job at characterizing Sukuna. He’s a selfish force of nature, killing and enjoying himself as he pleases. Could be interesting to see how he might influence Law with the frankly terrifying level of strength and endurance he possesses.
8/30 c59 BigLazyBear
I can already see the eventual 3 way match between Sukuna, Gojo and Law. Either that or Gojo sulking because he was left out.
Also wondering when we are in the JJK time-line
8/30 c59 johnduffy7878
Fallout arc was garbage but im glad this picked back up in el dorado and jujutsu kaisen
8/30 c59 JonnyBoboThe1st
8/30 c59 NaraSadow
8/30 c59 Travis99
Sukuna has a friend thats so nice, awwww
8/30 c59 8Sneky
bros writing jjk better than jjk was written goddam
8/27 c35 1melone71009
Sounds like He’s going into the Minecraft Neather with full diamond armor
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