Just In
for The Good Life (WC - Arcane)

5/17 c46 Lord-Sakai
getting john wick vibes from that ending
5/17 c46 PasiveNox
Great chapter wonderful wonderful
5/17 c46 2Genesis Mar
Cant wait for Law to meet the Lonesone Drifter. His reaction to meeting an actual demigod/demi eldritch horror is gonna be great. Hope he comes across his father the mysterious stranger too.
5/11 c45 Super98
5/10 c45 Kalstorm99
Great chapter. looking forward to seeing what Law decides to do with Nora. Also good for Law that he will get to deal with Asami doing a betrayal as that will probably be fun for him, though it will be interesting to see what Rumi and Taylor end up doing.
5/10 c45 1Gtopia
Asami: Have I found a worthy ally!?

Everyone who know's who the Mechanist is: ... Pfft.
5/10 c45 PasiveNox
Great chapter wonderful wonderful
5/4 c44 PasiveNox
Great chapter wonderful wonderful
5/4 c44 Gtopia
Law is so manipulative... I love it.
5/3 c44 1AceMaximum
This fic was almost timed perfectly with the fallout craze right now
5/3 c44 Super98
5/3 c44 johnduffy7878
This fall out arc is dreadfully boring compared to the first the boys arc. Ghouls, slaves n random monsters beefing over broken radioactive garbageā€¦the story is going nowhere until they leave and go somewhere that is worth a fuck
5/3 c44 Kalstorm99
Awesome chapter, hope that Nora will get fucked at some point.
5/3 c44 DaDegen
General Nora is the protagonist/player character of Fallout 4. Well, Nora is the default name for the female protagonist of Fallout 4 and Nate is for the male one. But most of Fallout's fandom used the title 'Sole Survivor' for the protagonists.
5/3 c44 shirousagi87
Question, from where is general nora from? I check out fallout and the only one that appeared the description doesnt match, original milf character?
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