Just In
for The Good Life (WC - Arcane)

11/20/2023 c23 RuneFather
11/19/2023 c23 MawOfTheVoid
Another banger of a story
11/18/2023 c23 Guest
Please let Robin be ok! Nice update btw.
11/17/2023 c23 Clever
please dont kill robin, love the lewd
11/18/2023 c23 Gellius G Gloop
I would prefer smaller snapshots, I always get bugged when I get notified for a story and it is just a smut scene.

btw love your story, it's pretty great.
Yoruichi reveal was pretty hilarious.
11/18/2023 c23 Kalstorm99
Fantastic chapter! hope that Robin is okay, and that we can get more smut with her because Robin is a 12/10 on the hotness scale.
11/17/2023 c23 Ericaldrius
I prefer snapshots to full lewd scenes. As much fun as written porn is, there is a time and a place for it and that time is when one actively reaches out for it. Pornographic scenes that advice plot or show character development are perfectly acceptable and arguably necessary, like the scene in this chapter showing the change in the characters relationship, but anything more should really be posted on literotica (I'm not against written porn, I have read more than 3 million words on literotica). Not that porn in a good story will stop me from reading it, it's just weird getting stiff on the train.

Thanks for writing!
11/17/2023 c23 PasiveNox
That end damn anyway great chapter wonderful wonderful
11/17/2023 c23 shirousagi87
Never though that robin power could be used that way, imagine if her awakening of devil fruit she can make a full clone of herself? And the naughtyness of yuroichi was hilarious! Now the only 1 missing the fun is asumi, hope she get a special time too
11/17/2023 c23 iikd
smaller ones if they happen, think they bring more flavor when its only a part of the chapter instead of the whole
11/17/2023 c23 Mystery56
I'm fine with lewds but they have become a little too frequent for my taste.

Could you cut back on them a little bit?

Otherwise you still have the same amazing stuff!
11/17/2023 c23 Kizoku5684
I think switching between the two as the story dictates would be both easier for you, depending on how you feel, and better for us, because we never know what to expect
11/17/2023 c23 Genesis09
Such a hot moment with two of my favorite ladies. Here’s hoping they get another moment together soon with the real Robin. Though I’m curious, Yoruichi didn’t get to finish… is she about to destroy whoever decided to interrupt?
11/17/2023 c23 hainbane
Is it Homelander? Has he finally evolved a braincell?
11/17/2023 c23 vmage2
That was just cruel.
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