Just In
for The Good Life (WC - Arcane)

10/27/2023 c22 14Wolfking0811
Law just gave Homelander self confidence. That won’t be good for anyone.
10/27/2023 c22 1Gtopia
A lion does not concern itself with the opinion of sheep...

Homelander: I like the sound of that!

Heartless: ... I probably shouldn't have said that, but fuck it the fallouts gonna be hilarious.
10/27/2023 c17 Oddballzebra
Kimiko got decapitated and could still fight? How does that work? Did she reattach the head, did the head grow a new body, or did the body grow a new head? I need answers.
10/25/2023 c21 the raging chicken
honestly I had forgotten this was a world hopping series but I am very happy that it is, I expect him to attempt to go to mha which I can feel in my bones would be awesome though avatar would be cool with him building a criminal base and learning to use the elements especially with most of the characters being so easily manipulate if he did it right
10/21/2023 c21 Guest
I completely forgot this was a jumpchain fic tbh I thought this fic was slowing down and reaching its end soon I thought it'd be like your other story that took place in Gotham but this will be a nice change of pace when it happens
10/22/2023 c21 Yoschi
I really like your stories, all of them ar great and I'm always happy to see them updated. I didn't even know this story was going to go into different fandoms, but that just makes it even better!
10/21/2023 c21 Sinabaetor
Lol. Is Law gonna get Scooby?
10/21/2023 c21 Fuck Names
I'm giggling at the fact that Law will go to the Scooby Doo world lmfao
10/21/2023 c21 hainbane
I wonder how smash and grab will work without the Patron and him providing a database of loot?
10/21/2023 c21 1unseenw0lf
never thought I'd feel sorry for Stillwell. wonder how badly homelander screwed up and how it's going to unfold
10/21/2023 c17 1Hayddun Jerome
Smash and grab from Scooby-Doo is wild i have got to see where this goes
10/20/2023 c21 2Eclipse1234
The next few worlds don’t seem like they will be challenges at all for Heartless’ powers though.
10/20/2023 c21 Gilgamesh50
Great Chapter
10/20/2023 c21 7hanatos
You should do Arcane first man! I can only imagine the possibilities!
10/20/2023 c21 PasiveNox
Oooooooooof anyway great chapter
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