Just In
for The Good Life (WC - Arcane)

9/22/2023 c18 PasiveNox
great chapter nice niec
9/22/2023 c17 RuneFather
9/17/2023 c17 Gilgamesh50
Great Chapter
9/17/2023 c17 1Gtopia
The couple made from hell. I can literally feel V-Earth's chances of surviving slowly dying.
9/17/2023 c13 NastySquire
The MC acknowledges Homlander as a hero? Lol, he's in for a rude awakening.
9/17/2023 c1 NastySquire
I would 100% be checking to see if that power was only physical or if it could be more conceptual. Can he exchange eye color with someone? Could he take Homelander's durability, or swap intelligence with a genius? Taking someone's heart and having them keep living shows there could be potential for more.
9/17/2023 c17 Sakra95
Honestly it doesn't feel like he can do anything at all. He just seems like a baby on sugar high. I know people like Butcher and all but these guys tried to kill him and did kill one of his followers and it would be just bad if he became friends or allies instead of killing them to send a message.
9/16/2023 c17 Gellius G Gloop
Man, Heartless or Butcher either become the best of buds and/or try and screw each other over or something; either way, it'll be entertaining.

Love this Fic.
9/16/2023 c17 StoneTheLoner
I'm looking forward to this new acquaintanceship and also the mc getting better with his powers so fewer people survive his lack of ability and skills.
9/15/2023 c17 Kizoku5684
Heartless and Butcher are gonna get along like brothers or they’re gonna kill each other. No in between.
9/15/2023 c17 Kalstorm99
Good chapter.
9/15/2023 c17 Pjo crossovers
Was wondering if they’d meet. Especially when you’ve kinda base his personality of the butcher
9/15/2023 c17 Akumets
Thx for the update
9/15/2023 c17 PasiveNox
Great chapter wonderful wonderful
9/8/2023 c16 Guest
Woo! Alright Hearless! Kick their asses!
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