Just In
for The Good Life (WC - Arcane)

9/15/2023 c17 Kalstorm99
Good chapter.
9/15/2023 c17 Pjo crossovers
Was wondering if they’d meet. Especially when you’ve kinda base his personality of the butcher
9/15/2023 c17 Akumets
Thx for the update
9/15/2023 c17 PasiveNox
Great chapter wonderful wonderful
9/8/2023 c16 Guest
Woo! Alright Hearless! Kick their asses!
9/9/2023 c16 Sakra95
I hope this doesn't end with things happening like the show even with all the added elements.
9/8/2023 c16 RuneFather
9/8/2023 c16 1Gtopia
Disappointment shouldn't be so terrifying lol.
9/8/2023 c16 Kizoku5684
Well this is gonna be fun to watch
9/8/2023 c16 quarttzblade12
I hopes that final confrontation is filmed so we can see the reactions of people when the one most disappointed by the heros is the villain
9/8/2023 c16 Kalstorm99
Good chapter, wonder what Law will do now that he is taking this more seriously and what the reactions will be to Law showing his power is far more than Telekinesis.
9/8/2023 c16 xXwolfsterXx644
Whelp he's mad definitely Can't wait for the next update and she what he does next
9/8/2023 c16 StoneTheLoner
Thanks for the chapter! Can't wait to see what he has cooking now.
9/8/2023 c16 Gilgamesh50
Great Chapter
Damnnnn i cant wait tbh
This fic is becoming one of my fav
9/8/2023 c15 Gilgamesh50
Yeah cinder is smart and all but to not even be suspected?
I feel like its kinda ridiculous no?
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