Just In
for The Good Life (WC - Arcane)

9/1/2023 c15 Fuck Names
9/1/2023 c15 PasiveNox
Wonderful chapter great great
8/26/2023 c14 Gilgamesh50
Great Chapter
8/25/2023 c13 Lore
Damn pressure manipulation? That's a Fucking power for sure.
8/26/2023 c14 Super98
8/25/2023 c14 PasiveNox
Great chapter wonderful
8/25/2023 c14 Kalstorm99
Great chapter, wonder what the new members of the Eight will get up to.
8/25/2023 c14 1Gtopia
The rest of the world: ... Why have I suddenly crapped my undies?
8/25/2023 c1 please don't1
is the heart gang the nomads then?
8/25/2023 c1 please don't1
valentines(the valentinos?) the nixies(the moxy?) six shot shooters(sixth street gang?) the all americans(Tiger claw?) love the references if it is a refrence! Started reading today and seems really intresting and cant wait for more!
8/25/2023 c10 smolhauz
I was ready for levels of fucked up.

for some reason I wasn't ready or this. Jesus
8/21/2023 c13 Shigure
Hope you’re ok bro take a break if you need it
8/15/2023 c13 Timturtle
Why no updates this week?
8/15/2023 c13 iikd
another banger man, kept reading and i couldnt believe that was all you had posted. loved it
8/13/2023 c13 Gilgamesh50
Great Chapter
It felt short more updates please
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