Just In
for The Good Life (WC - Arcane)

6/30/2023 c8 Slither21
Firstly, nice chapter.

Second did he just kill asami?
6/27/2023 c7 RuneFather
Ballsy, I love it.
6/27/2023 c6 RuneFather
6/25/2023 c3 Fuck Names
You do love puns.
6/25/2023 c1 Fuck Names
6/24/2023 c7 Guest
Asami should fund a Japanese mech anime lol put it a lil more into the spotlight lol

Hope he figures out how to swap himself with air molecules

And also heal himself with biogenesis

Manipulate his cells to fuse back together

He’d need a looooot medical knowledge to manipulate his biomass properly tho

Maybe scan home lander to mimic his strength?

Eat a buttload of stuff to make his body denser like him?

Overhaul his organs to work better

Take a look at regeneration supers to see how they tick
6/23/2023 c7 Yeet
Nice chap!
6/23/2023 c1 Guest
So if he "bought" those companions why are they acting like they don't know him?

Or is it one of those "I bought them into the world to make them canon in this world but I have still work for it?"

But it also doesn't make sense since your OC is also acting like he doesn't know them either
6/24/2023 c7 Father A. Anderson
This fic is so awesome
6/24/2023 c7 1Gtopia
While this was a nice set up chapter, I really cant wait for the next chapter reveal!
6/23/2023 c7 Kalstorm99
Awesome chapter!
6/23/2023 c7 StoneTheLoner
I'm really looking forward to the growing companionship between the mc and Robin. And whatever is going to happen with his tooootally normal cat lol
6/23/2023 c7 LyingChicken
What a cliffhanger
6/23/2023 c7 1Mike699
Really gonna end the chapter there? Damn. Next one should be good
6/23/2023 c7 Fungod
You are killing it with this story. Keep up the amazing work.
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