Just In
for The Good Life (WC - Arcane)

5/19/2023 c3 Guest
It would be pretty hilarious if law became a surgeon in this life too

Maaaaybe that could be his cover and shit

With his power it’s basically an alt delete on most sicknesses and injuries

Maybe do it to the really high end rich people

I’m sure some of them would love better organs that won’t reject them guaranteed

If law could jumble people up and they could move those extremities

Hope he gets his big ass sword tho

Maybe some hidden blades

With no haki in the world he could just cut up homelander lol
5/20/2023 c3 1Gtopia
Fuck me this is amazing, and also hilarious. That utter 'of fuck, I'm such a dumbass' moment was beautiful.
5/20/2023 c2 Gtopia
She's gonna eat those horn dogs alive!
Not in the fun way either.
5/20/2023 c1 Gtopia
Fuck me that was awesome. Imagine seeing someone hold your literal heart in their hands... Yh, jump when told my dude.
5/19/2023 c3 RuneFather
Ruthless, I like it.
5/19/2023 c3 2Tranquilmoth
what a start
5/19/2023 c1 RuneFather
5/19/2023 c3 Acetroyz
Niceeeeeee chapter!
5/19/2023 c3 the raging chicken
cool looking forwards to seeing where this goes
5/19/2023 c3 xXwolfsterXx644
Great chapter dude can't wait for the next update
5/19/2023 c3 Kalstorm99
Great chapter!
5/19/2023 c3 1Pink Ape
thank you for the chapter!

on another note, I never understood why trafalgar actually needed to use something material to replace the object of his desires with (like the pebbles). Afterall, inside the room he can create he governs everything, including air. why not just switch the hearts with oxygen instead? would be pretty much like actual teleportation and much less predictable. just a thought of mine
5/19/2023 c3 PasiveNox
Nice chapter great
5/19/2023 c3 DarkBan
Well, that's one way to end up at the top i guess xD
5/17/2023 c2 Guest
Posted here since I there was no voting poll linked to profile also sorry for double posting that is if decides to be nice and not remove entire messages like it normally does
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