Just In
for The Good Life (WC - Arcane)

8/9 c56 1Gtopia
You bloody tease leaving it at that point.

Also yh, This world has no answer for Law and Co so they basically are the gods lol.
8/9 c56 shirousagi87
Even if chel is hot i dont see law taking her to his adventures because she still is a normal human, unless he has a way to give her powers, wonder how longer rumi can fight against her bunny nature
8/9 c56 1Tom2011
I have a question. Is Law sterile? At this point he should have at least few kids around him. Taylor for sure should be pregnant after what he raped her and finished inside her. Same for other girls.
8/4 c55 Super98
8/2 c55 Timturtle
So excited. El Dorado is one of my favorite movies, massively under used.
8/3 c55 PasiveNox
Great chapter wonderful
8/2 c55 Tavarus Magnus
I honestly did not consider the implications for history in that world with Law and his crew showing up, I'm honestly interested, especially considering your CK3/Historical Fiction story.
8/2 c55 Tony McNucklz
Contrary to pop cultures assertions, 90% of deaths in the americas of natives were actually caused unintentionally by the germs the europeans brought with them. Those terrible deeds happened, but not the way keyboard and hollywood history likes to present. i think it was even worse for the south, because europeans came back talking of cities in south america, and when they returned they were all gone. in the last 20 years though, laser imaging of the southern continent have revealed that there is evidence supporting that these places did exist, but the jungles seem to have devoured them immediately upon their collapse before the europeans returned, likely collapsed from the same diseases that decimated the northern natives, except the northern tribes werent wiped out completely. of course the conquistadors and everything else did happen, it just wasn't in the numbers we thought killed by those intentional direct conflicts. if Law wants to protect the natives, he'd do more, save vastly more, by vaccinating them against the germs that are coming their way. No amount of super weapons and superior strategy will save the locals from those.
8/2 c55 Aselo
Him essentially being morally right in this fight is gonna be weird xd
8/2 c55 Genesis09
El Dorado is an interesting choice. And the Jaguar won’t exactly be a huge threat when Law and Yoruichi can just ruin it.
8/2 c55 Kalstorm99
Great chapter! Looking forward to seeing how Law will handle everything, though I'm curious on what happened to Tulio and Miguel?
8/2 c55 shirousagi87
So they would change history in that world?
8/2 c55 Ericaldrius
Oh, this chapter has made me very happy (and on my birthday, thanks!).

I enjoyed the movie as a boy, laughed at the potential abuses Miguel and Tolio could have carried out when I aged (Rewatched, of course), but I never expected to see this, a crossover written by a skilled writer.

I am looking forward to the fun (but who doesn't look forward to Friday), I hope you use that world for all its worth.
8/2 c55 NastySquire
The first world being destroyed was like, 25% his fault. Another 25% on Homelander and the last 50% on the people in that world for Nuking themselves out of existence. The second world was already destroyed so that doesn't count.
7/26 c54 PasiveNox
Great chapter wonderful
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