Just In
for Mist and Maelstroms

7/13/2023 c15 6dark51
7/13/2023 c15 Beastyd22
Awesome chapter man keep it up and I will see you next time you update thanks.
7/11/2023 c15 4freedomringer
Ah, somehow I knew this was gonna happen. Would have been funny if Karin borrowed the sword and went on a candlelight dinner with it like some weeabos do with their body pillows
7/11/2023 c15 Drrakkos
Fuck yeah excellent chapter, and now Kurama get's the old body of Gaara or he build a body for himself from the cell's of Gaara. What a trouble in the making.
7/11/2023 c15 ghust95
Did... Did you kill gaara in order to give kurama a body? A nice idea but damn I like gaara so im like 50/50
7/10/2023 c1 crzycommunism
What’s with all the usage of „then“.
Every goddamn sentence, every single one.
Enjoyable story, besides getting agitated over the usage of then.
7/4/2023 c14 thor94
good chapter.
Glad you went the consistent path with tobirama breaking the edo tensei control.
So look naruto snapped, can't wait next chapter
7/4/2023 c3 pitbull4567
Love the comedic action
7/4/2023 c2 pitbull4567
What an interesting foreshadowing
7/4/2023 c1 pitbull4567
What an interesting story look forward to more
7/4/2023 c14 Mr.BrownOptometrist
Great chapter, keep up the awesome work
7/4/2023 c14 freedomringer
Lol, finding out Kushina is a fangirl of Sakumo's
7/4/2023 c14 Beastyd22
Awesome chapter man can't wait to read more so please update again soon as you possibly can thanks.
7/4/2023 c14 10DecoyM9
Unless Kakashi is the same age as Kushina and Minato, Kushina would have met Sakumo as Sakumo killed himself during the Third Shinobi War when Kakashi was on team Minato.
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