Just In
for The Experience Experiment

8/25 c7 Flippysten
Love their flirty banter can't wait for the rest if their date : )
8/25 c6 Flippysten
Very cute went from hired to a real date. They're definitely attracted to each other.
8/25 c5 Flippysten
Gawd loving this! Went back to reread and review, lol I sucked at reviewing the firt time around. So Alice are twins and so opposite in character. Loved that Esme raised them without nannies. Lastly I bet Carlise is going to neet his mistress and not going to the hospital.
8/23 c3 Flippysten
They're good
8/23 c2 Flippysten
Very intrigued
8/23 c1 Flippysten
So good!
8/22 c7 midnitereader
She knows him well, she's done her research. But it's nice to see him come out of his comfort zone.
8/22 c6 midnitereader
Isa seems a simple girl at heart and she puts Edward at ease.
8/22 c5 midnitereader
Isabella played her part perfectly. Mr. Cullen is an ass, and his daughter seems to follow in his footsteps. But Esme is charming, and understands her son. Edward was uncomfortable spending time with his family, but Isa made it all work.
8/18 c7 Deenah
I love this! It's a fascinating story with just enough intrigue to keep me wanting more. As always, you've created characters who are anything but caricatures. I almost can hear them breathe!
8/18 c6 Guest
"It's" is the contraction for "it is" or "it has." "Its" (no apostrophe) is the possessive form. For example:
"It's amusing to watch a dog chase its tail." or "The dog thinks it's time for its dinner."
8/18 c7 Guest
Amazing story. Thanks for sharing.
8/18 c7 52old4fanfic
A New Yorker not knowing a good pizza place is criminal
8/18 c7 1JulieToo
Love this story. Can’t wait for the pizza party.
8/18 c7 tff000
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