Just In
for The Experience Experiment

8/23/2023 c6 Kate1386
Ohhh good things typically happen over pizza!
8/15/2023 c5 fanfictionalcolic
Just wondering where are your other stories?
8/15/2023 c6 fanfictionalcolic
Very intriguing story
7/29/2023 c6 6Cheerra12
Love it! Great chapters, can’t wait for the next ones!
7/20/2023 c6 Mom23xx
He’s in deep but sounds like she might be too
7/18/2023 c6 Eeyorefan12
This story is such fun. I like Isa a lot and my heart really goes out to Edward in this chapter especially. How in the world did someone like Esme end up with a jerk like Carlisle?
7/16/2023 c6 amogle
Loved it can’t wait for more
7/15/2023 c6 30Rebadams7
Real is
Far from
That dream
Your heart makes
Why sleep
7/14/2023 c6 lillianolivia.white
That sounds like a plan. Neither of them had anything to eat at this hellhole
Of a family dinner. I also have to wonder if Dr Cullen is stepping out on his beautiful wife Esme?
7/14/2023 c5 lillianolivia.white
Great Chapter. This family! I cant believe how rude Edward’s dad was.
7/14/2023 c3 lillianolivia.white
Great chapter.
7/11/2023 c6 Lore562
How cute
7/11/2023 c5 Lore562
She is good
7/9/2023 c6 Donna J Dowling
I have suspicions they'll be seeing each other again! thanx ;o)
7/11/2023 c6 Mistydeb
At least Esme seems like a decent person, carlilse is an ass though. I hope he doesn’t always speak to Esme like that. More food for these two and more importantly, more time together. Debbie
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