Just In
for The Experience Experiment

7/10/2023 c5 SassYNoleS

Bella and Esme talking was good to see. Bella sure knows how to handle the Cullen's!
7/10/2023 c6 joshuasmom131
Seems Carlisle is an ass
7/10/2023 c5 joshuasmom131
Looks like esme want Bella as a daughter in law
7/10/2023 c4 joshuasmom131
Loving this story!
7/10/2023 c3 joshuasmom131
Good chapter!
7/10/2023 c6 acw1

7/10/2023 c2 joshuasmom131
:) :)
7/10/2023 c5 acw1
7/10/2023 c1 joshuasmom131
Great start! :)
7/9/2023 c6 CSG
There you go, pizza is good.
7/9/2023 c5 NeeNee246
This is great! The Mister is a POS! ;)
7/9/2023 c5 CSG
Lying isn’t in her vocabulary? That’s odd.
7/9/2023 c5 tpea1288
Wow! Isa is smooth & thinks on her feet!
7/9/2023 c6 tpea1288
They are so good for each other!
7/9/2023 c6 DICATAKADD
Im all caught up. This is great.
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