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8/28 c2 Guest
It's cute! It's so fucking cuteee! I'm gonna diee!
4/6 c2 2YourLocalAsexualLoser
4/6 c1 YourLocalAsexualLoser
ಥ_ಥ doing my civic duty and leaving a review because I enjoyed
3/2 c1 PhantomLordHelix
Anya's instincts are definitely on point(no pun intended because knife is pointy), but I'm really surprised that even when Damian is being plagued at being a ghost in his family, he's still understanding enough of Anya to give her an opportunity to help him out(albeit unknowingly)
10/27/2023 c1 LightXCVII
That was amazing, you’re very talented, please write the second part I want to know what will happen so bad.
9/16/2023 c1 2Pink Freesia
That was a dark Damien I once thought would happen but didn't want to see. Looking forward ti the last chapter.

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