1/10/2024 c1 Gilgamesh50
How can you not continue this storyyy Great Chapter
Not complaining about their act but end of T.O.P (anime) goku is stronger than beerus (jiren was stronger then his god of destruction who was stronger than beerus so yeah) so end of the
Manga both of them should be stronger
How can you not continue this storyyy Great Chapter
Not complaining about their act but end of T.O.P (anime) goku is stronger than beerus (jiren was stronger then his god of destruction who was stronger than beerus so yeah) so end of the
Manga both of them should be stronger
7/2/2023 c1 EisCold
my only question about this is how will you scale people from Super to the others? or are you planning to have different what if's compared to the ones from DB multiverse in the tournament to actually create any stakes because if you don't the people from super will wipe the floor whith pretty much everyone and that probably won't make for a good story. exited to see how you continue!
my only question about this is how will you scale people from Super to the others? or are you planning to have different what if's compared to the ones from DB multiverse in the tournament to actually create any stakes because if you don't the people from super will wipe the floor whith pretty much everyone and that probably won't make for a good story. exited to see how you continue!
6/11/2023 c1 Guest
Update please also make ultra vegito appear
Update please also make ultra vegito appear
6/1/2023 c1 Guest
Please update and make ultra vegito appear
Please update and make ultra vegito appear
5/30/2023 c1 Guest
Are you going to put ultra vegito in your story.
Are you going to put ultra vegito in your story.
5/30/2023 c1 ARK.T.Maxwell
A DBS X DBM Crossover is something I haven’t read before. Definitely looking forward to this!
A DBS X DBM Crossover is something I haven’t read before. Definitely looking forward to this!