Just In
for Waking Up and Seeing the Light

8/31/2023 c12 4achaon
This shouldn’t be rated M. On the other hand this rating saved a lot of other people from wasting their time reading this.
10/25/2018 c12 Guest
Please add lots more chapters to this fantastic story pleaseeeeeee
6/16/2012 c12 emzzz53839
Ok so i know its been like 5 years since you last updated this story but it would be really really good if you could maybe finish it :) cause this is a really really good fic !
3/15/2011 c12 bookimpva
I know it's not likely, but more please!
12/1/2009 c12 arc989
aw! way to leave a girl hanging!
3/2/2009 c12 princess
NO ok i need the next chapter like now omg i was so gettin into this story and it just cut off please update soon
12/10/2008 c12 StoneCold7085
I can't believe you left it there... He's going to ask her to marry him isn't he.
11/8/2008 c12 Anna
Please continue this story! it is one of the best I have read (and i have read it a few times).
7/25/2008 c12 carlsoles
pls cont story
7/10/2008 c12 Kertrina
I can't believe you just left it there! *jaw falls to floor* It's going great. I got to the end went to click next and OMG it wasn't there *sobs uncontrolably*. I can't wait to read the next chapter.
5/18/2008 c12 2swimERfanatic13
love it! Keep writing!
5/15/2008 c12 JessicaMackenzie
Story line plot:

The deal is that they have to take things slow, and not jump into anything. They both have to have open minds going into this relationship. HOWEVER, they have to pretend that nothing is happening while at work, and they have to date as if they were meeting each other (you know like phone calls, emails, chats, text messages... ect)

The conversation was too light and less complicated than it would really happen. Neither one of them would just give up their feelings to the other THAT easy. Maybe they'd say: "On the count of three" and say something (you saw how it ended, though it killed me that Mac didn't say I love you to Harm...

BTW (I haven't had the chance to talk to anyone about this) Did you see the finale? What's with the clothes of Harm & Mac? They couldn't look more horrible and D.J. Elliots was starting to show how old he is... Pushing for 50 now. He could be my dad & I'd still do him!
5/15/2008 c11 JessicaMackenzie
You beat me to it, I see.

BTW, as a funny fact I am about to have the same dinner you just mentioned. My husband's cooking today and that's 1 of the 3 things he CAN cook.
5/15/2008 c10 JessicaMackenzie
Here's a story line:

Have Mac recouperate in Harm's apartment because she can't do it by herself and have Harm take a few days from work to take care of her. There is enough opportunity for them to talk and at the same time give us fluff and shippery goodness.
5/15/2008 c9 JessicaMackenzie
Ok, so even if she WAS going to live through the night, shouldn't she had like awakened 3 hours AFTER the surgery since she DID have anestetia? I mean it's logical... and she should've been all tubed up so I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be talking THAT fast and with long sentences.

I liked the eternity bit... you used the things that we DID see and hear making it easier to imagine.
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