Just In
for Summer Dating

1/2 c8 jlwharton
I can’t believe this story was left here! I was so hooked ans looking forward to reading Bones’ other letters to Booth! I really think they should also discuss his time in Afghanistan and Hannah too. Booth hurt Bones a lot during that time and i think they should discuss it now that they have some distance. Loved what i read of this though!
10/17/2024 c1 Phantom-Riot
I hope I'm not causing any trouble. I read [Summer Dating] and genuinely liked it. I've been thinking about adapting your story into my comic style and would be very happy to do so. I believe you will be pleased, and perhaps you might consider sharing it. Another thing, I'm a skilled digital artist who is now available for commissions. We can discuss it further or connect on Discord if you're interested. I would be happy if you allow me to translate this beautiful story into a comic format. Let's connect on Discord or through DMs if you agree. I would be very happy if you give me the chance to turn this beautiful story into a comic. Here Is my Discord ID echoknight.01
9/8/2024 c8 35LJF613
8/11/2024 c8 85554Laura
This is a lovely chapter. You've done such a great job of capturing their personalities.
8/10/2024 c8 Boothbabe22705
Always enjoy your fics
8/9/2024 c8 12doge
so nice that you continue the story, so mamy memories. I am excited for the next date
8/6/2024 c8 Wallycats
I love that she had her first letter to him delivered to him at the FBI and he was able to read it before seeing her at the party. It was a sweet date chapter.
8/5/2024 c8 83LoveShipper
The long holiday weekend should only have fun activities planned not conferences
8/1/2024 c7 Bones2014
Just found this update. So glad you’re back. Reading about my fav couple never gets old. And you write them so well! Love how you brought up their time apart. Hope you continue to update. Would love you to explore those unread letters.
8/1/2024 c7 Wallycats
Really fun and sweet chapter. So the question is, does she give him the letters or does he snoop?
7/29/2024 c1 Guest
Great that you are back. Really enjoyed this .More please.
7/25/2024 c7 Guest
I love that you continue to visit old wounds and try to resolve. thanks.
7/26/2024 c7 85554Laura
I loved this chapter. Brennan's questions about the movie were exactly in character, and I like the way it wound around to how things went for her while Booth was in Afghanistan. Well done!
7/25/2024 c7 HangingFromTheSky
Thanks for coming back! Enjoying your little summer dates!
7/25/2024 c6 Wallycats
Welcome back! Another great story from you.
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