Just In
for The Hyper Fang That Shall Pierce The Heavens (pre-canon SI)

2/8 c39 2Walkmanapprenticewordsmith
wow. no call to authorities? this guy an idiot?
2/7 c30 Walkmanapprenticewordsmith
nooooooooooooo! fk misdrevious
2/7 c28 Walkmanapprenticewordsmith
no discussion about evolving ratatata? im fine if its a wait to get stronger first type thing. but didnt even ask?
2/7 c27 Walkmanapprenticewordsmith
you overuse "double knockout" waaaaaayyyyyy to much.

2/7 c25 Walkmanapprenticewordsmith
BOOOOOOOOOOOO! fuck that underground dildo of a mon
2/7 c25 Walkmanapprenticewordsmith
fuck, i KNEW as soon as this diglett popped up this would happen. unfortunate. sandshrew line so much cooler

2/5 c40 guest
I mean...release all his pokemon at once? This is a dangerous situation so living means more than honor.
2/7 c22 Walkmanapprenticewordsmith
"the issue was that rattatata was a physical attacker and couldnt damage magnamite."

you mean like dig? thats 4x super?
2/7 c19 Walkmanapprenticewordsmith
heres hoping he gets a gastly for a ghost at t2.

misdrievous has a great typing, just not my fav.

GO GENGAR! also gamefreak shoulda made gengar a white shiny like his mega. lol
2/5 c40 myafroatemydog
Good chapter
2/5 c39 myafroatemydog
Good chapter
2/5 c38 myafroatemydog
Good chapter
2/5 c33 myafroatemydog
Good chapter
2/5 c32 myafroatemydog
Good chap
2/5 c40 1VincentFS
Or, y’know, Joey could bitch the rockets with his ghost energy. Kick ‘em both in the balls and be done with it.
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