Just In
for Divine and Conquer

2/7 c4 Lot1t
Was this chapter even written? Instead of accusing this dumb black woman of assault and then killing all her loved ones in front of her, he apologized, what a fucking shame.
1/28 c26 Amun565
His orphanage was torched by fiendfyre. A clearly targeted attack, so instead of trying to remain at hogwarts he wants to put the Tonks family at risk? I am super confused by some of the plot points in this story.
1/28 c24 Amun565
Uh horcruxes? this feels needleslly complicated.
1/26 c30 SomeGuyFawkes
Entertaining chapter. Thanks for the update.
1/25 c11 HalfmoonSilver80
... I had push through reading this rable... it is interesting in the idea and more. but the way it is written and how the story is going is not for me.

One shit after another and now transition and transgender getting pushed into the story. Like why even here?
1/25 c30 CereysKerrigan
Man, Cass is my spirit animal.
1/21 c4 Ocelotpebble
This is such an overreaction in my opinion and im also not liking hiw much of a pussy hes being so far.
1/15 c15 Shagdoge
Yeah this is unreadable. I'll stick to your other power jerk off story for now.
1/15 c14 Shagdoge
Dude... I'm straight up not having a good time reading this.
1/15 c15 Killerpickle
Fucking bullshit, not getting a professor involved something like the situation with Ron is something you just have to man up and deal with the consequences.

Also how the fuck would Peter be able to turn gus DNA into someone else, looking the same as another person is understandable but there us no possible way for Peter to copy someones DNA And have it fool a DNA test particularly a magical one which wouldnt just test by blood/DNA but also by the magic found in it.

Now on a side note you keep saying that your making everyone competent but Really your only making Deatg Eaters/ the ‘bad guys’ competent.
Where are the good professors what about Albus why doesn’t he do anything about quirril obiously abusing his position by giving out detentions for a year for no reason… and what about the MC why doesn’t he discretely give his ol’ headmaster a note with information like the Horcruxes, Ron situation
1/15 c8 1TheBeyn
Very nice fic, I follow it
1/15 c14 Killerpickle
Fucking bullshit, not getting a proffessor involved something like the situation with Ron is something you just have to man up and deal with the conseqences
1/15 c11 Shagdoge
Godless heathens it would seem ha
1/15 c12 Killerpickle
I REALLY HATE when people try to make magic a be all fix it to muggle problems, for one it just wouldn't work that way it'd cause just as many problems if not more.

Then more importantly the Magical world is simply to small in number of people, qualified people to solve the problems that authors try and justify wizards fixing then finally lack of resources to fix problems i.e healing potions as well as the time it would take to make them.
1/15 c7 Killerpickle
This Quirrell is way to over the top and unbelievable, yeah it owuld be fine for him to hate muggles etc like he does but he is trying to remain incognito plus if he was going to include any rhetoric he would only include things that weren't so blatant/weren't lies, it would be more about what type of weapons muggles have over how muggle parents torture their own kids etc.
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