Just In
for Last Call

12/7/2023 c11 KDMCAM
I wonder what he will tell Tan about Isabella...
11/27/2023 c11 Guest
I'm excited to see how soon Bella will figure out something's wrong.
11/29/2023 c9 12Eternally Addicted
Well it seems, at least so far, that Edward is a much better person than his hard nosed sister. Can’t wait to see how working with Bella goes.
11/29/2023 c2 Eternally Addicted
Hmmm seems there may be some changes coming. Love it!
11/27/2023 c11 DICATAKADD
Great to see an update
11/27/2023 c11 tpea1288
Edward is a sweetheart. He deserves someone who can appreciate and help him.
11/27/2023 c11 SassYNoleS
I love this sweet personable Edward! I hope he stays this way ;)

So cannot wait for more XX
11/27/2023 c11 debslmac
11/27/2023 c11 ChristyWIX
I do like the way in which the two of them speak with one another. It is nice, friendly and easy going. I can see Edward is trying to keep up conversation with Mike to make it less stuffy. I hope Mike actually has a garage to place the Rolls in. Edward just assumed Mike had the luxury of a garage. Some people do not, if they live in apartment buildings. He may not even have a designated spot in an open garage. If this is the case, Mike will bring it back to Edward's and not mention he did when he picks him up,the following morning.
11/27/2023 c10 ChristyWIX
I somehow missed this chapter, most likely during the FFN email debacle. I like how he’s noticed Bella has been doing two jobs for a long while. Very kind of him to not be angry about the coffee on him. Yay! She got the job!
11/27/2023 c11 acw1

11/27/2023 c11 cctwilight
He was so nice to Bella.
11/27/2023 c11 AnakinSmom
Very interesting first face to face meeting between them. Will she ever get the coffee stains out of the white pants?
11/27/2023 c11 exclusiverob
Ugh! Tanya Thanks
11/27/2023 c9 traceybuie
Poor Edward is so overwhelmed, but making a point to be so nice and polite to people. Thanks for writing and sharing
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