8/23/2023 c1 Agent24
Shadow Pirate: Gets Metroid-ed.
Other Shadow Pirate: “NOPE.”
“You fly now?!”
“I fly now!”
Shadow Pirate: Gets Metroid-ed.
Other Shadow Pirate: “NOPE.”
“You fly now?!”
“I fly now!”
7/20/2023 c1 deeznutthebest
A fic of Samus becoming Metroid and it showing through her armor and mannerisms is almost always a treat. The Last Metroid did this quite well. Hope you can deliver.
A fic of Samus becoming Metroid and it showing through her armor and mannerisms is almost always a treat. The Last Metroid did this quite well. Hope you can deliver.
7/17/2023 c1 Guest
Can’t wait to see what comes next!
Can’t wait to see what comes next!