Just In
for VenomTales: Bring On The Carnage

10/28 c6 Dark Louie
Please continue mostly cause venom the last dance is out I watch it and it was good so please continue
7/14 c6 Krewt
Hope u continue
12/19/2023 c4 2HEROS Central
Oh sweet God. That ending really shocked me. It is going to be hard to write the next chapter but thanks to you, I got a great idea for the next chapter plus cool idea making Lily the Shocker of this universe, Alex having Bebop's clothes, and giving the Spot a cameo here. Really cool.
11/10/2023 c3 Dark Louie
Amazing story please share more details please
9/24/2023 c3 Von the Unstoppable
Awesome Chapter:)
9/10/2023 c2 Von the Unstoppable
Oh, things are getting good:)
8/12/2023 c1 Dark Louie
P.S i love how you did Louie intro like the spider verse movie great idea
8/12/2023 c1 Dark Louie
Awesome yes finally I can’t wait to read more
7/18/2023 c1 HEROS Central
Things are about to get interesting. I’m still thinking about what do about a certain scene in the second chapter. But don’t worry about it, I got it. I’ll PM if I need anything.
7/16/2023 c1 Von the Unstoppable
This is already, getting good for me:)

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