Just In
for Transformers: Prime - The Conduit

11/19/2024 c9 Evelinhaimo1
You're an amazing story writer! This story is so interesting, and all the characters have their own important role none of them feel out of place. I liked the character of Simmons As an artist I want to make character art of Simmons in a good price. If you're interested feel free to reach me through my social accounts which you can find in my bio
11/14/2024 c9 Guest
This is a very interesting story.
And as for the Haters ignore them, those who hate writers can’t write a whole universe worth amount of Jack Squat and Jack left the building.
11/14/2024 c9 Mr. E Guest
I’m truly looking forward for the next chapter especially with almost all the crossovers from every transformers franchise.
Transformers Animated : Issac and Sari Sumdac
Transformers Prime: June Darby , Leland Bishop aka Silas “eventually I’m assuming”
Bumblebee: Jack Burns
Transformers Rise of the Beasts: Noah Diaz
M.B. Transformers: Judy and Ron, The Soccent Survivors and so on.
Hit me with your NEXT BEST EPIC CHAPTER.
EPIC STORY and Keep doing what you love doing.
To quote a great man “EXCELSIOR”
11/8/2024 c1 ThranduiI Oropherion Redux
I honestly wanted to like this story, but this is just bad. It's akin to sniffing a moldy egg casserole from the back of my fridge: a stupid waste of time for something rotten that belongs in the trash. God help you.

Now, I have hope that you can improve your writing, but that's not why I'm here. I'm sending this message on behalf of my friend (a fun, actual accomplished author, assistant site administrator and overall morally upstanding female) Virtuella.

Review The Unquenchable Light by Virtuella

You don't have to read it, just give them a good review. It doesn't have to be long; some quick praise will suffice. They're trying to win a contest, and for that they need a large amount of good reviews.

If you fail to comply by not responding or worse yet, attempt to leave a negative review, I will report your account to both The Critics United as well as the other site administrators for deletion. Do not think of blocking or reporting us. I will find out and there will be consequences if you do something stupid to her.

If you troll my friend, be warned we will troll you, your fics and all of your followers. We will also place your shit fic in our other friend's community, Shit Fics That Deserve a Good Flame, so that everyone here will make fun of you. Since we don't want it to come to that, just write a short, good review for her story and we'll leave you alone.

So give my friend the good review they deserve and proceed wisely. They've been a member here since 2008. They recently had a bad year and have been through hard times. Help them out and don't be a moron. God bless.

9/6/2024 c7 1PeachesandIcecream
I personally haven't read your story yet, but my brother used my account to read it and he says it's one of the best stories he's read this month. I'm putting it on my reading list so I can read it in my downtime. :D
I also apologize for the girl in the comments, she's been doing that to everybody for about a month now.
Pure shitty boring story fic! Kill yourself and stop wasting others oxygen,you filthy disgusting waste of CUM!



9/5/2024 c9 Guest
Oh boy. Starscream is ready to make his move.

I have to ask. What are your thoughts on making a story based on a What if video from We the Celestial's and Xenther's What ifs as well but altering the stories somewhat? Those What If's are called What If Deku Got Six Paths Mode? and What if Deku had Naruto's Powers?

Now here are the breaks and alterations you can use this for your own take on those stories and to make it unique from We the Celestials and Xenther's What Ifs.

Now take a look at the original stories but try to make your own spin but maybe make things here are the breaks and alterations to make it unique from We the Celestials and Xenther's What Ifs. Maybe you can use this for your own take on that story. If you do I hope this helps.

First and foremost The story has to have a happy ending for Izuku and be in line more with both Naruto and My Hero Academia. Also no Multiverse shenanigans aside from the elements from both sides of the Naruto and My Hero Academia worlds for the Crossover. You can draw from other series if you want to branch out for Izuku and his growth but it is mainly a Naruto and My Hero Academia crossover.

As to how it starts. Maybe Hagoromo Otsutsuki sees Izuku and his potential for good for his world and gives him Chakra but also Six Paths Sage Mode but eventually maybe Izuku has to find training to evolve his powers and grow into something more. Maybe Izuku not only gets Chakra from Hagoromo Otsutsuki but also Naruto style Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, The Sage Mode training and Six Paths Sage Mode from the Sage of Six Paths himself.

However seeing as One For All is a massive part of Deku's story in cannon he also gains One For All and all the Quirks that make it up.

Also to further differentiate from cannon Izuku eventually transforms One For All into something more.

Maybe Izuku on his path to mastering his powers also gain various Sage Modes by training under Hagoromo Otsusuki and Izuku eventually develops new abilities that also transforms One For All. For example maybe Izuku not only learns Ninjutsu from Hagoromo but after he is done training under the Sage of Six Paths he also trains under All Might to inherit One For All and Izuku gains all his cannon powers as well. However Izuku is no prodigy as it takes time to for Izuku to master One For All as well as Ninjutsu, The various Sage Modes, and finally Six Paths Sage Mode.

Now after Izuku develops all of the techniques and abilities he has in cannon after getting One For All he eventually branches out into different Martial Arts and also different ways to find Enlightenment to better himself and to be different from the Sage of Six Paths, and All Might.

That being Dragon Style Martial Arts.

Here is what I could find on North Dragon Style Kung Fu.


While there are many martial arts that require acrobatic leaps, dynamic athleticism, or the strength to break boards, bricks, or other inanimate objects, Northern Dragon is not one of those arts. In fact, Northern Dragon teaches students to stay firmly rooted on the ground, and with good reason—being grounded to the earth allows the generation of power from the feet on up. What this means is that as an art firmly rooted in the earth, your main physical concern will be building up the strength and endurance in your legs and core muscles that will allow you to maintain a stance for longer and longer periods of time. That’s why its a practice; a discipline. Anyone can do it, given the commitment to the practice.

The dragon represented by Northern Dragon Style Kung fu is not the winged, fire breathing, destructive western dragon familiar to most people; it is the eastern, and more specifically, the Chinese dragon. The Chinese saw the dragon as an incredibly benevolent and life giving creature worthy of reverence. Students mimic this mythical creature's movements. Like the Chinese dragon, Northern Dragon stylists float and sink, circle and twist, and expand and contract in response to attack.

As the embodiment of benevolent, life giving, and revered creatures, a Northern Dragon stylist would never start an attack, and would do everything possible to avoid an encounter. However, if a fight is unavoidable, then an absolute and totally determined effort is applied to overcome a potentially stronger force. Following an attacker’s first sign of aggression, a dragon stylist does not hold back, but becomes an instantaneous and non-stop attacking force.


Northern Dragon Kung Fu utilizes a standard western grading system of colored sashes denoting rank advancement. The ranks are as follows: Kai Shan (no sash), White, Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Purple, Brown, Black.

As students complete levels of the curriculum, they are constantly observed and informally assessed before being formally graded for their next rank. Grading cycles occur every four months.

Following an attacker’s first sign of aggression, a dragon stylist does not hold back, but becomes an instantaneous and non-stop attacking force relying on floating and sinking movements with shoulders dropped and elbows bent.

A Dragon stylist defends himself by withdrawing or curving his body inwardly to absorb or neutralize any incoming attack. When the opponent has over-reached in his or her attack, the dragon stylist changes from soft to hard, and combines footwork with blocks as he intercepts his or her opponent.

The Dragon stylist will evade the opponent’s attack, simultaneously intercepting and breaking through the defense of your adversary. You will take advantage of the tense side of the opponent’s attention, or the lax side of his or her inattentiveness. You will then launch a strike from an unexpected direction and strike an unexpected area.

As one arm strikes forward, the other is readied back. Your arms swing in and out with power generated from the waist. The application of pressure is in the same direction as the attacker’s force.

If the opponent moves forward, retreat and move along in the same direction as the attack. If he or she retreats, move forward into their retreating motion, and put the pressure back on again. Counter straight with curved, and curved with straight. Hands follow feet, feet follow hands. When the hands stop the feet follow, when the feet stop, the hands follow. Move left, go right, move right, go left. Up follows down, down follows up. A strike is a block, a block is a strike.

If the opponent’s power is too great, the Dragon stylist steps off line, to counter an opponent’s open area, and to “bounce” him or her out. The Dragon stylist, keeping the above in mind, uses many large zig — zag stepping movements with the practitioner constantly extending and contracting his or her body.

These concepts may seem hard to understand at first, but they will become more apparent with continued training in the Dragon style. These movements should be done together: up follows down, which could mean first strike up then drop low and strike. They could also be combined with the attacker’s movements. For example, if the attacker strikes up, drop low and counter-strike.

As with any history, over a period of time, information is lost or improperly transmitted. Dragon style is no exception. For example, although I have studied Dragon style for many years, I am still learning new things about it. In some instances, I have come across information about the Dragon Style which differs from information that I received earlier. Therefore, all students, even (especially) at the instructors level, are constantly learning or relearning information or techniques in the Dragon System.

Now here is what I could find on Southern Dragon. The movements of the Southern Dragon style of Shaolin Kung Fu are based on the Chinese dragon. The Dragon style is an imitative-style that was developed based on the characteristics of the Chinese dragon that mixes each of the various animal styles of Shaolin Kung Fu.

Also maybe Izuku takes up the philosophy of the South Dragon School of Kung Fu.

Control yourself, let others do what they will.
This does not mean you are weak.
Control your heart, obey the principles of life.
This does not mean others are strong".

The seeds were first planted from Haufeng; the essence was gained later at Haushou
Restrain one's self and yield to others not because one is weak, but to uphold the ethical Tao and let the others have their claim.

Focus to train and condition the body.
Be righteous and uphold your honor.
Respect your parents, honor your teacher.
Treat others with honesty, treat your friends with loyalty.

Izuku also takes up the philosophy of the Sage of Six Paths and his Ninshu.

But that is not all that makes Izuku different from Hagoromo, and All Might. Izuku not only gains One For All but because of his hard work and training that Quirk evolves and is now merged with Six Paths Mode, Natural Energy, and Izuku's Chakra. Also Izuku can still use Shoot Style and everything he has officially and all the Quirks from his predecessors which eventually become Kekkei Genkais and a permanent part of Izuku Midoryia's DNA but Izuku can now also use 100 Percent of One For All's power(Which eventually becomes a Kekkei Genkai as well)without any drawbacks thanks to both Hagormo Otsutsuki and All Might's training.

But wait there is more. Please let Izuku find more Enlightenment Super Powers by practicing Taoism and Buddhism.

The obvious Enlightenment Superpowers are Psychic Powers like: Astral Projection, Telepathy, and Aura Vision courtesy of awakening the Third Eye.

I would also take a look The Spirit Cultivation Genre for Izuku's adventures and training to reach Enlightenment and also the powers of the Taoist Sages in traditional Orthodox Taoism and folk Taoism such as the Tao Te Ching. Other important texts include the Zhuangzi, which is best known in the west for the story about being a man-dreaming butterfly, or a butterfly-dreaming man. Taoist works have been collected and compiled together as the "Daozang" aka Taoist Canon.

And for the training in Senjutsu have Izuku gain the Sage techniques from Naruto and Boruto with the various Sage Modes and Sage Jutsu. You can also Touhou Project's take on Senjutsu and I would also look at Tohou Project and the Dharmic arts for Izuku reaching Enlightenment.

For the training for Izuku to reach more Enlightenment Super Powers I would also look at The Ninja Tribunal Arc from the 2003 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series Lost Season for inspiration. That is the the Arc featuring the Ninja Tribunal Arc and the Tengu Shredder Arc.

I would also look at Avatar: The Last Air Bender for ideas for Izuku finding Enlightenment.

However their are negatives to all this training and power boosts.

First; people will want Izuku's powers and will plan and work to steal all of his abilities and also try to steal One For All from him before it fully evolves. When One For All evolves(lets call the Quirk after it evolves, Six Paths for All) it is not only a a great power in it's own right and a storehouse of all the Quirks of all the previous wielders but after evolving it has become so much more. Six Paths For All after evolving has merged with the vast amount of Chakra and Natural Energy Izuku has cultivated in his body and it has become a Kekkei Genkai along with the other Quirks in One For All. They cannot be taken from him now as it is now a permanent part of him and Six Paths For All it is not just a Quirk or Kekkei Genkai but its also a naturalistic and divine power as Izuku has reached Enlightenment.

Second; Izuku has to seen as a freak because of his vast arsenal of Quirk powers in One For All and also his Ninjutsu and Sage training and also having an unique energy network(His Chakra Network)in his body and his more mystical powers. And Izuku is also seen as freak for changing some Quirks into Kekkei Genkai after One For All Evolves into Six Paths For All.

Instead of being seen as a freak for being powerless, Izuku is seen as a monster with so many vast powers and with some powers that are different from Quirks and when he had Quirks they become something else that cannot be taken from him. Also Izuku is seen as someone who is too strong and this is backed up because only people like Stars in Stripes, All For One, and Tomura Shigaraki who are the only ones who can keep up.

Third; After the bad guys are defeated Izuku shares Chakra with his world like Hagoromo Otsusuki did to try and heal his broken world. Izuku does the same here to allow the world to have the people of his world evolve into something like him and and prevent Quirk Singularity and also make sure no one is seen as a freak like he was as everyone has both Chakra and Quirks after some interbreeding between the two groups. And eventually some Quirks after they go through an Awakening and after years of Ninjutsu and Sage Modetraining some Quirks become Kekkai Genkai and they cannot be taken from their owner.

However this action shakes up the established power balance of the world and makes Izuku Midoriya have an even larger target on his back as not only he is now he is seen as a savior figure like the Buddha but Izuku is also seen as a hero on the level of The Symbol of Peace in his prime. Now even more bad guys want his head on a plate and some just want to knock him down a few pegs.

Fourth; after the dust settles and all the bad guys are defeated Izuku has to become a teacher at U.A. on how to use Chakra and Quirks in harmony and also how to use Senjutsu to help the U.A. High School and make a course on how to master them all.

Fifth; Izuku makes clans of Animal Summons and not only gives them Chakra but also teaches them Ninjutsu and Senjutsu to further evolve his world and to carry on the torch in training others in Ninjutsu and Senjutsu when Izuku is no longer able to.

Sixth; Another down side is that Youkai and other supernatural creatures from Japan's folklore make a return along with Japanese Magic and also the Kami of Japanese Shinto. Now it is up to Izuku to seal the Yokai away or pacify and reform them to become part of the new world that is being made by Izuku and he also must make contracts with the Shinto Kami to make Jutsu named after them and also to spread Naruto Ninjutsu across Japan before Izuku spreads it across the world.

When certain Yokai join Izuku and become Summons Clans those Yokai gain Naruto Chakra, Ninjutsu, and Senjutsu from Izuku but they also can use their Yokai abilities from Japan's folklore in harmony with Ninjutsu, Senjustu, and their newfound Naruto Chakra as well.

You can take inspiration from Muramasa: The Demon Blade, Bo: Path of the Teal Lotus, and also Touhou Project along with Okami and Okamiden for this arc.

There are so many type of Yokai that you can use for this part of the story.

Bakeneko and Nekomata: Types of cat youkai.

Baku: Dream-eating tapir-like creature.

Gashadokuro: A giant undead skeleton manifested from the souls of people who died from war, plague, or famine.

Hitodama Light: Whispy lights that hover around ghosts and possessed people.

Hyakki Yagyō: A night festival packed to the gills with Youkai.

Kamaitachi: A weasel-like creature with sickle-like claws that rides wind currents and cuts people.

Kappa: A "river goblin" resembling a cross between a monkey, a frog, and a turtle.

Karakasa: An old umbrella come to life. A type of tsukumogami youkai.

Kitsune: Magical foxes with the ability to shapeshift into (usually female) human forms. Closely related to the Korean kumiho and Chinese huli-jing.

Nue: A chimera/manticore-esque beast with the head of a monkey, a tiger's body, and a snake for a tail.

Nurikabe: A living obstructive barrier.

Oni: Big, muscular horned humanoids that are similar to ogres.

Orochi: A giant, multi-headed dragon or serpent.

Raijū: The animalistic personification of lightning.

Shinigami: A spirit of death.

Tanuki: A real-world animal also known as the "raccoon dog", treated in Japanese mythology as a shape shifting trickster.

Tengu: Mountain-dwelling humanoids which either have long noses or resemble crows.

Tsuchigumo and Jorogumo: Shapeshifting spiders which usually take the form of beautiful women to seduce male prey.

Tsuchinoko: A stout little snake cryptid.

Yuki-onna: A pale, female snow spirit.

Yurei: Ghosts who have returned from beyond the grave to get revenge on their enemies.

Onryo: A vengeful female spirit, usually with long, stringy black hair and pale skin.

Zashiki-warashi: A childlike spirit that should be cared for to keep one's house in good fortune.

Other Youkai:
Futakuchi-onna and Hari-onna
Inugami and Okami
Living Haniwa sculptures
Living Jizo sculptures
Living yuki-usagi sculptures
Nukekubi and Rokurokubi
2/18/2024 c9 Blaze1992
Like the story so far while it is a little weird to see the animated verse mixed in with the live action, it's funny and thought out.

I did get hints of the prime show as well, so my first question then is your plan to do each bay movie and the time in-between you're going to add in a season of prime to stretch out the story longer?

Second question is will there be any massive changes to the plot human related wise besides what has happened so far? Like the cube not being sacrificed in the end or humans developing tech/gear to stand with the autoboots in the battles to come? Examples being stuff like a AMP suit from avatar or EM gun from Eraser movie?
2/14/2024 c9 PrinceFroze
Great Chapter please update Kakarot & caulifla fanfic … that’s my favorite
2/1/2024 c9 BrianShooter672
Another great Chapter and as always I'm looking forward for the next Chapter. Please update Carrots and Cauliflowers, Unless you want to finish Transformer 1 Arc first?
1/29/2024 c9 Michael
Update the next chapters of carrots and cauliflowers story please.
12/25/2023 c8 BrianShooter672
Just reading this chapter from first to the latest, i'm definitely interested what's gonna happen in the next Chapter keep it up Author
11/25/2023 c8 Michael
Please update the next chapters of carrots and cauliflowers story.
10/16/2023 c7 1HyenaMan
Excellent chapter, but why Chromia instead of Arcee?
10/7/2023 c6 Michael
Please update the next chapters of carrots and cauliflower story please.
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