Just In
for Crimson Absolution

2/5 c45 Brodinguideme
I commented a number of chapters back. But I have been very impressed by your ability to switch back and forth betwenn genuinely funny humor and serious conversations. I look forward to the rest of this sort greatly!
2/1 c21 Brodinguideme
For my two cents this story is increibly underrated. I have been thoroughly entertained and have been excited throughout to see what happens next. I also appreciate how you havent totally nerfed him but have found ways to make things interesting still.
1/24 c58 JCarrasco
Keep it up I love this story please and merry Christmas and happy new years.
12/21/2024 c57 shadesslayer
lol I think its great! Sony Venom lol.
12/18/2024 c57 Discipline01
Is it me or is Natsu always handicapped one way or the other right as he's about fight someone important? That aside, great chapter!
12/18/2024 c57 JCarrasco
Keep it up I love this story please.
12/17/2024 c57 3xxXCrimson-Wolf-MoonXxx
I love that you made Jellal have a memory and no regrets of what he did. He was a character. I didn't like what they did to him in the series, especially in the real later seasons.

Natsu, even against overwhelming odds, still cracks a pun when he can.

I can definitely see how E.N.D is like Sonys Venom. It actually makes the whole concept more entertaining. Especially their banter back and forth, never ceases to make me laugh.

I can't wait to see more of this story, especially now that Natsu is slipping into the darkness. Keep up the amazing work. I can't wait to read more like always
12/3/2024 c55 xxXCrimson-Wolf-MoonXxx
Phew I finally caught up to this fic. Sorry for going ghost on ya for a while! Life has been really busy for me, but I've also just been going through some stuff, but I digress.

Again, I love the dream sequences. But I also like that you're bringing his partners in to see what his past was like. Zeref making his appearance in said dream also has me curious, but I'm sure you already have your plans there.

I like that Natsu, even though he's locked up his real feelings, his real emotions. That he's starting to show it to his loved ones. The jokey banter between the characters never gets old at all.

The fact Natsu could smell Gemini off of the fake Ichiya was a nice touch, something I wish anime Natsu would've picked up on. Sometimes I am questioning though who's side E.N.D is on. It almost appears that he's like a double agent. Helping Natsu, or they share mutal feelings of disgust or hatred towards a certain topic.

So far I love how this arc is going and I can't wait to read more from this fic. A Natsu and Jellal rematch is gonna be good I bet.

Keep up the amazing work!
11/19/2024 c55 Guest
Well, hopefully the Oracion Seis are just a little battered.
11/14/2024 c54 Discipline01
Absolutely loved the chapter, it perfectly encapsulated the essence of this story.
11/6/2024 c53 naedinefebruary2.0

Having read your absorbing Story, Crimson Absolution, I found many things to admire in the weighty narrative and imaginative flair. Your storytelling is truly remarkable, and I really do think that it can reach a wider audience as a comic. I'm a commission artist with broad experience in converting literature into striking comic format. I will be proud to reformat your story into this dynamic format. Let me just take you through some of my portfolio samples of previous works. Your literature is a masterpiece, and as goes the proverb, A comic can capture the essence of the story, so that would add more power to your literature. I look forward to the possibility of working together. As I am open to commission I'd really appreciate that if you could commission me for this. If you're messaging me on Discord, please also check my Twitter and Instagram, where I've uploaded my work. You can contact me on Discord, Twitter, and Instagram as well.

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discord : naedinefebruary
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Hope to hear back from you soon.
11/6/2024 c53 TheOldNick
just finished the last chapter and I must say this is one of best written natsu/END relationships around. it's fairly plausible for someone that old to act like natsu is doing in the story.
I'm just curious about how the dragon/demon duality will be resolved because I think it won't be like in the anime I guess.
cheers, keep going!
11/4/2024 c53 TheLaughingStalk
great chapter, thanks a lot
11/4/2024 c49 TheLaughingStalk
i figured Makarov would have met Natsu since he is "acquainted" with Porlyusica. Weren't the two of them comrades? If their meeting took place after her adventures with Makarov, then i guess it makes sense that Makarov and Natsu have not met since that would make Porlyusica about in her 30s or late 20s. If her age is accurate to my predictions, then everything falls into place i guess
11/2/2024 c53 Guest
Oh, this is interesting. I wonder how different the battle against the Oracion Seis will be.
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