Just In
for Crimson Absolution

9/5/2024 c35 13Ikrani
Part of the Jack the Ripper mythos is that he was never caught. He was an ambush predator who was so good at what he did that he always knew when and how to strike, to the point where he had time to turn one of his victims into an unidentifiable torso and leave it out in the street.

I feel like you could've leaned more into that with this guy, instead of making him what amounted to a slasher villain at the climax of a slasher film. Yeah, he was cool for what he was, but upon reading that the Ripper inspired him, he felt kind of lessened by the comparison to what could have been.

Then again, most Etherious have a more powerful, inhuman form, so perhaps there's room for a second round?
9/2/2024 c32 Ikrani
Either that's Gildarts or Natsu's about to find out.
9/2/2024 c31 Ikrani
So, we're finally starting to see the love square take shape. Not a harem, at least not yet, but at the very least each of the three girls is clearly developing their own romantic relationship with Natsu.

I'm curious as to what exactly happened with Laxus, if his rebellion wasn't simply an egomaniacal power trip like it was in canon. Was it something in the Lacrima?

Regardless, keep writing.
8/27/2024 c35 jeremiahkelley93
Great chapter.
8/21/2024 c34 FallenSage
Great job
8/21/2024 c34 jeremiahkelley93
Great chapter
8/21/2024 c34 TheLaughingStalk
very nice, tha ks for the update. im looking forward to your planned arcs
8/19/2024 c33 jeremiahkelley93
Great chapter
8/16/2024 c32 TheLaughingStalk
lmao, i feel like Gildarts will be a great companion if he decides to join them for the fun of it
8/16/2024 c21 Ikrani
Ah. Finally a move is made. Rather awkward timing what with the life or death situation unfolding, but if Pirates of the Caribbean could make it work, then why not?

I have similar struggles with reviews. I suspect too good a flow leads people to immediately want to read the next chapter.
8/15/2024 c32 The great hwuan
Gildarts appears
8/15/2024 c32 Discipline01
Aww, how kind of Natsu to let Lucy to third wheel his date with Gray.
8/15/2024 c32 Floatyy
Your community started quite a review fad lol. Great chapter!
8/15/2024 c32 jeremiahkelley93
Great chapter.
8/10/2024 c31 The great hwuan
Great chapter
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