Just In
for Crimson Absolution

7/25/2024 c26 The great hwuan
Great chapter
7/25/2024 c26 1Mugetsu1996
Mira winning Erza not gonna like that
7/25/2024 c26 Discipline01
He just dropped a live grenade on Gray's hands for shits and giggles. Fucking menace.
7/25/2024 c26 jeremiahkelley93
Great 2 chapters.
7/25/2024 c26 AzurePheonix101
Amazing chapter
7/25/2024 c26 FallenSage
Great job loved it
7/24/2024 c25 FallenSage
Great job
7/24/2024 c4 13Ikrani
I think you need to either streamline the exposition or make the dialogue in general more engaging. Just because a villain is dark and murderous doesn't mean they have to be all business, all the time. Natsu here felt like he wasn't invested in what he was saying, like all this talk about wanting to fight Erza again and turning on the dark guild that hired him was a matter of detached obligation, the way a DMV employee will fill out a report but not particularly care what it says.
7/24/2024 c25 3xxXCrimson-Wolf-MoonXxx
Short but sweet. I can't possibly imagine what 400 years has done to his mind. Watching a memory as vivid as that, but the end of it has me puzzled. Can't wait to read more. Amazing work as always
7/23/2024 c24 2InstinctMW
Let’s dive into the lamd of dreams then, next time!
7/23/2024 c24 FairyEraDs nah no me esta gustando nada esto. Y al parecer el siguiente arco si iba a ser de Laxus. Haaa...adiós.
7/23/2024 c24 jeremiahkelley93
Great 2 chapters.
7/23/2024 c24 1Mugetsu1996
Nice updates were great and sneaky Mira haha
7/23/2024 c24 3xxXCrimson-Wolf-MoonXxx
First a knight falls for the dragon, now a demon will follow. I like how Laki is a shipper of crack ships between Natsu, and many others. Its nice to see characters that never get much of a spotlight in fanfictions get their own moments. Can't wait to see some of this Natsu's past. Keep up the amazing work
7/22/2024 c23 Guest
Awesome chapter and thanks for the quick update
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