Just In
for Liar, Liar

5/31/2024 c1 SYOT Verses Discord
(The following review is a part of the 2024 Verses Discord VE Swap)

Hello, Nell here ! Had a fun time reading this one :D I think my favorite thing about this was how you were able to incorporate Raz as a tribute and Raz as a victor/mentor at the same time (while mentoring his jilted ex lover situationship LMAO).. Really differs from the typical games fic format and it was super fun C: The D1 race thing is neat :0 is that how they typically pick volunteers in ur verse ? :0 Also damn 475th games.. Thats so many holy shit :0

Love the liar theme.. The emphasis on it every time Raz blatantly lies.. (: very cool :D Capitol tributes is also always such a neat thing :0 and having them be in the career pack too… :eyes: Matteo and Razeen definitely read as total opposites in how they go about pregames which is really neat.. Love the contrast of like Matteo instantly ostracizing himself from the careers where Raz was trying to suck up to his allies of choice LOL.

Bvhjbhf their two interviews back-to-back in the formatting u did is HILARIOUS.. Matty do be out-lying Raz LMAO. playing him at his own game…. Ough I love Era’s first words to Raz being “You have a penchant for lying, don’t you?” very nice.. We dont know much about her aside from the fact that she Picked up on that.. Good stuff.

Oughh house of cards arena for Raz is really neat.. Can collapse at any moment haha! Just like his lies (: also damn 32 tributes? sheeeesh .. tough games :sob:

Dark temple for matteo, nice.. Ohh this is falling apart real fast.. Matty got the 2 guy though :0 rip his allies..

Love the freaky pawn mutts ! ..Ngl I don’t know what GMPA is either though :sob: The queen hell yeah :D Rip tydus but that was a banger way to go out. They all really thought he was just hiding even after a cannon went off.. Like yall..

Matteo’s allies betrayed him, interesting.. Haha ofc it was the one who reminded him of raz nvjhbdfvhjf

Mann.. Raz thinking (fantasizing?) back to his own games when he feels out of control mentoring Matteo.. Broo youre sick. Affectionate. But still sick BJVBHJVFB. Raz: “sigh i miss killing and manipulating people :/” Good on Era and Raz getting out of that one.. Era saving him and them forming a partnership, we love to see it ! Looks like its them in the final 2 also :0 rip that was so easy for raz..

“The Capitol didn't care either; they didn't care when their own tributes died to our lies. They only wanted a show.” mannn.. Thats messed up. Really fascinating though.. Where would they draw the line? Lowkey seems like they wouldn’t, which is such a Thought :O Esp after 475 years or so, its just. So long.. So engrained to have the games exist.

Matteo’s final fight is definitely more of a spectacle ooh :0 Him vs the capitol tribute.. Very neat.. Sharpened teeth.. Thats so fun im :eyes: DISTRICT 1 DID IT FIRST YEAHHH!

Ohh shit is the capitol forcing raz and matt to be married now..? Damn thats Rough ;-; a very unique brand of messed up.. Glad they seem to be able to make peace with it in the end though.. No more lies.. Definitely a smart decision if theyre gonna be stuck together forever :sob:

Really neat story sakura, I’m glad I got to read it ! Excited to see what you do in the future :D Your verse sounds really neat, and I loved how you played around with the formatting of this. Non linear storytelling is always very cool c: Nice job !
8/12/2023 c1 5Son of Arryn
Sakura! Your brain! I had not even *thought* of the idea that both Raz and Matteo could be Victors and tied together in the way that you did. I'm floored, really. I just read it over for the second time and now I'm thinking I need to read it a third time! I'll try to organize my thoughts better in sections here as I go, but overall - I loved it, plain and simple.

The first time I read it, I was skimming because I was excited haha and that's what I do when I get excited, I read way too fast. I was so confused (my fault lol but I want you to hear my experience reading XD) because I was like "wait who was in what Games, who won first" and that is a lesson in why you read slowly. There was some fun in doing it that way, anyway, because it was still super neat to see everything in action and trying to puzzle it out as I went on. Reading it the second time, it made a lot more sense when I read it slower.

Raz was great - I really liked how he was a bit more blasé at the beginning of his story (especially the Games portion) and then was humbled in the post-Games, whereas Matteo was always more that way and grew more resentful when the Games were over for him. The post-Games was bittersweet for me because I started to cheer for them and hope they would be happy - but...I still have hope that they do end up that way - even if it isn't right away. It left me wanting more, which is a great thing.

Matteo was interesting to look at from Raz's perspective, and I really liked the order in which you chose to do things. He built up an alliance of people that he trusted, while Raz had the more typical Career pack alliance. As a mentor who's used to Careers, I can't imagine that was easy for Raz to deal with, and I could see his frustration.

The interviews were probably my favorite portion to read. Why wouldn't they be? XD I really liked the disconnect between Raz and Matteo in that scene, and to see Raz get one pulled over on him was even more fun.

The themes were very strong throughout, and I liked how you conveyed it. It was right in the reader's face, but I still didn't see the ending coming because it was so baked within Raz to lie about everything - after all, it got him where he was. To see him wrestling with it and deciding to be honest for Matteo at the end, makes me hopeful that he decided to do it for a chance to convince him that Raz wasn't so bad in the end and he had changed somewhat.

Thank you so much again, Sakura for writing Raz (and Matteo!) and creating such a good story! I very much appreciate it and wish you the best of luck with your future writing!
8/10/2023 c1 6Iomhar
This is neat. I enjoyed the poetic-like quality to the writing. But I particularly liked the use of bold words for reasons I can't quite pinpoint. I suppose they added a lot of weight to the story without being distracting. You did a good job with that.

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