Just In
for La Bellissima

2/4 c1 QueenGB
I didn’t even get a chance to read it, it wasn’t complete for very long. I wasn’t getting the updates properly. That’s disappointing. It’s sad when writers do this so quickly. Oh well good luck. :-)
1/30 c1 Guest
I'm hurt. I was in the middle of reading this.
1/31 c1 mnnlisa
Loved this stories. I will look for the book.
1/31 c1 2cocobyrd87
Congrats! I loved this story so I can't wait to read more!
1/29 c1 megsie1977
Congratulations and good luck!
Was a great story, I really enjoyed it!
1/29 c1 Romana973
Well that’s a bummer. I didn’t get a notification that you posted the final chapter until I got this pulled to publish chapter. I would have enjoyed finishing the entire story here. Best of luck to you.
1/29 c1 Star White
awe man, so you never finish story on FFN. Pouts
1/29 c1 jen5795
Please let us know when the book comes out.
1/29 c1 26The Vampire Goddess
Thanks for such an amazing story. will buy the books as soon as they are available.
1/18 c29 miop
Thank you I loved your story... I loved it from start to finish. I missed your updates for a while because I didn't realize when you were uploading the chapters and a few days ago I saw a post on Facebook that you were going to remove it and I started looking for it and finished it... One question: will you no longer update "The Alias"? I hope you continue reading the reviews.
1/18 c28 miop
Thank you! Good luck with your next story, put a lot of effort into it, you are a very good writer and I hope that in the future we can have a book of yours, thank you again and good luck, blessings. Xx
1/17 c29 jen5795
Love this story! I really enjoyed the mix of mafia, Dom/Sub, just everyday normal, it worked well together.
12/27/2024 c29 Guest
Amazing read. Thanks for the completion. I enjoyed making it to the end. Hope you decide to write more in the future!
12/11/2024 c29 marigold123
I enjoyed reading your story. Thank you for writing.
12/7/2024 c29 2DrivingEdward
Thanks, lovely. It was a really fun ride. XOXO, Pamela
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