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for Academy of Beasts

1/2 c15 Guest
This entire section felt forced as fuck. Could almost see the author's hands violently wrestling the plot to hit almost the exact same key points as canon despite how little sense it makes in this story and how some characters act wildly more stupid than what theyve been depicted as so far. Incredibly artificial.
10/12/2024 c16 2HouseofErebus
I have been enjoying this so far. While I feel you could do well with more editing, with the grammatical errors, it's still fun. I look forward to how the Hunter's relationships with the Rosario crew grows, especially between him and the true Moka.
8/10/2024 c16 Okami2312
Loving the ending of this particular arc
7/31/2024 c16 4Pedro Alonso Buby Huayanay Zam
ohhhhhhh amazing

i hope see what happen he meet the mothers o maybe new enemies
7/28/2024 c16 403F
That was a fast update and definitely a great read. looking forward to the next one as always
7/26/2024 c15 Imperial warlord
Awesome chapter.
7/23/2024 c15 1BlackBookmark
Damn I need another chapta!
7/15/2024 c15 p6lishb6kser
It's fun, even though his insight should make learning stuff like another language a breeze, and why he didn't heal himself in that last battle?
Anyway it's entertaining, so I'll follow
7/12/2024 c15 TrueNineLives
7/11/2024 c15 ArashiNokitsune
sounds like another new situation on the Hunter's hands
7/10/2024 c15 403F
Waiting for this update did not disappoint, it was a thrilling chapter and left on another cliffhanger! I'm excited for the next one as always, take your time to write the next chapter!
7/10/2024 c15 Clagann
Cool update cant wait for the next one
7/10/2024 c15 StarKiller215
Finally a update and I am curious on how they will react once they saw him back from the dead within the next few chapters
7/10/2024 c15 MrSadLad
these are some razor thin cliffhangers you're leaving. either way glad for an update. i do wonder about the b effects on Big and little moka tho.
5/28/2024 c14 Taco
Awesome cliff hanger
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