Just In
for The First BedTime

5/23 c1 12SuperSlyly
it so cute
5/17 c1 3LuckyMadHatter
OMG Yes! this is so cute and amazing. seeing this I kind of want to see a chapter of them together when they found out they were having a child. Seeing how Harry acts with the child and then telling Hermione his concerns for the feature. I want to see how they react to the news of having a child. Seeing how others react to the news to. Like damn i could live for a simple slice of life like that. keep up the good work
3/3 c1 11brigrove
sweet story
3/3 c1 brigrove
1/3 c1 4iacopo.passerini
Ottimo lavoro!
12/24/2023 c1 steve.moore.9081323
Lovely story
10/7/2023 c1 mumphie
Lovely. :)
9/23/2023 c1 Diddleymaz
Very sweet
9/15/2023 c1 articdranzer
Damn. So beautiful!
9/13/2023 c1 amortentiate
9/13/2023 c1 21CallaRose4ever
I was listening to the Hobbit soundtrack when I was reading this. It gave me a good little giggle. sweet little story
9/13/2023 c1 kimjo2
Such a precious vignette. Thanks so much for those lovely images.
9/13/2023 c1 HoneyBear84
Sweet love it
9/13/2023 c1 wolframhart
Very sweet. A nice read to start my day.
9/13/2023 c1 3Bahamut Slayer
I like the name, definitely something different while still keeping the theme.
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