Just In
for PS I'll Love You Forever

11/15/2024 c24 Cknsw
Lovely sequel. Thank you for ending on a happy note. I’ve always liked a snarky but supportive Leah.
7/24/2024 c24 Cknsw
The Angel series is one of my very favourites. I can see clearly see the inspiration. I enjoyed this sequel and HEA.
7/11/2024 c24 30Rebadams7
Sorry to be so very late to the party but this lovely twist on the tale is beautifully done
7/6/2024 c24 boopgirl
Great ending
6/26/2024 c1 Dinkyp
Thank you for these 2 stories. Wish there was a little on when the family found out about had powers. But loved both. Im positive i will reread soon. X
6/8/2024 c24 lillianolivia.white
I loved the chapter. I always love to see the Volturi taken care of by Bella. I have loved this story. And I loved that Leah found her Imprint in Mya. I loved this Leah. Great lemon too. Thank you for this amazing story.
6/8/2024 c1 MikeIce
Great ending.
6/8/2024 c24 Rita01tx
Much as I hate to say good-bye, this is a very good place to leave them! Thanks for the wild ride and, should you be inspired again, I have you on alert *HUGS!*
6/8/2024 c24 jtullis721
You are a wonderful writer. Never doubt that!
6/8/2024 c24 traceybuie
I love how everyone's life is going so well and that you gave Leah an imprint. Thanks for writing and sharing.
6/7/2024 c24 CoppertopJ
See that is the thing about amazing writers...they never think of themselves as amazing writers. And I wholly agree that Drotuno's Angel Series is #1 in my top ten.

You did a fabulous job on this epilogue, and I was thrilled with how you handled Leah. This was another wonderful story to add to my favorites. Thank you for the acknowledgment, but it was a privilege. Here when the next plot bunny knocks on your door. ;)
5/27/2024 c23 biblepam
Loved it. Thanks for the update.
5/26/2024 c23 traceybuie
I'm relieved that the sisters have been dealt with. But Aro's curiosity is kinda scary. Thanks for writing and sharing.
5/25/2024 c23 Rita01tx
What a relief to have them out of that vile castle! Although, I do always feel sorry for Marcus and wish he could find peace...preferably elsewhere!
5/25/2024 c23 CoppertopJ
I'd bet my hard-earned money that Aro wants the four of them so bad he can taste it. But the response from Marcus was very touching and shocking. Loved this chapter.
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