Just In
for Mischief Siriusly Managed

2/9 c12 2Dscot
I like this chapter. I like the conversation of Dumbledore and McGonagle and Snape. I honestly believe this is exactly how Dumbledore would act when he is caught. Deflecting the blame of a situation to somebody else. “If only black could forgive the no one would know about Harry being abused.”

I always believe that Snape would be in conflict over making Harry miserable or keeping him safe in memory of his mother. Honestly, I believe they would choose making Harry miserable as long as Harry doesn’t die.

I feel sad for black that he can’t but help himself by surrounding himself with spies. I’ve always wondered there had to be more of a reason why James and Lily stop trusting Remus. I can imagine the potters and black having a conversation sharing ideas and Remus running to Dumbledore spilling the conversation he overheard to him. I’ve always believed that Dumbledore had Remus and Voldemort had Peter.

Also, I think Arthur Weasley is not a great choice to have around. Number one he’s kind of incompetent. The man had a person impersonating a rat for more than 10 years. He was too stupid to realise that rats don’t live that long. Also, I can never forget that Arthur got 10 tickets to the best seats at the World Cup. Seats that two world leaders of the wizarding world we’re sitting at. Seats where the Malfoy who are considered one of the wealthiest family in the wizarding world were sitting.

We also know that Ludo has a gambling habit and is always needing money so if he had these tickets, it is kind of weird that he gave them away instead of selling them. Unless the favour Arthur did to save Ludo’s brother from the law was more than a little favour.

I also think trusting moody isn’t the smartest thing again he’s more loyal to Dumbledore than he used to the law. Since of Dumbledore, ask him to break the law I believe Alistair will do it for Dumbledore.
1/22 c12 3marius1117
1/12 c5 2GangsterGhastino
I wish you had exteneded the interaction with Croaker
1/11 c12 AkashaPsihi
thank you for updating
1/11 c1 NeoRoVo
Tony is full of crap. This isn’t bashing in the slightest. Bashing is unashamedly blatant when it comes to the caricature made from a fictional character. Dumbledore’s failures from the source material are not exaggerated, but merely brought to light in a way they hadn’t been.

Each of Sirius’ issues with Dumbledore are justified. Honestly, this is one of the best attempts at calling out Dumbledore’s failures I’ve seen. It’s believable, because the author has done their level best to give both these characters reasonable views throughout the story.

Dumbledore isn’t wrong when he says that Sirius’ focus on revenge isn’t healthy for raising a child. Minerva was blackmailed by Sirius, which is why she agrees with Dumbledore’s view, as Sirius has clearly shown how far he is willing to go. It doesn’t leave a lot of room for empathy, though she clearly still has plenty for the man.

Sirius himself has stated he isn’t right for Harry, because he would choose his goals over Harry.

There isn’t any bashing here.
1/11 c12 5Monkey D. Conan
I’m curious if having Harry in his life will improve Sirius at all, make him a bit less vindictive if nothing else. A child can sometimes have that effect. And even if he’s not completely Sirius, he’s still partly the guy that would give his life for his godson’s benefit. Sirius has to make the hard choices to bring change, but I agree. He is the lesser of two evils and more importantly he’s not as much of a bigot or an idiot as many others are in this world. Excellent work as always! Can’t wait for more!
1/11 c12 Tony McNucklz
Meh. Not breaking any new ground on the bashing Durseys and Dumbledore getting reemed scenes. There are countless stories with scenes that eerily compare to this, especially from the earlier days when the fanfics were taking off. Frankly those scenes are boring skim sections for anyone that's read enough potter fanfics. Scan for the particulars that are unique here and get through the rest as fast as possible. That's the problem with bashing bits in larger fandoms like this, it's almost impossible to find new original ways to do it and keep it interesting. There's no emotional reaction, not even joy or glee anymore because it's been done so many times. I hope the bashing side of the story can wrap up because it's far more in the realm of distracting than it is riveting.

Not surprised the man is feeling complicated about being responsible for the poor kid. That part feels extremely appropriate given the established character, and I'm interested in seeing him grapple with that. Maybe by trying to look at it by asling himself what Lily amd Jame (AFTER James grew up) would have wanted their son taught and treated like, with some extra etiquette and social behavior lessons given the spotlight that will be on him, and of course a little extra martial tutoring. He doesn't need to be perfect, but after his upbringing Sirius should know that just being a decent parent is a far cry from being a bad one. Maybe reaching out to Augusta might be a good idea, and encouraging him and Neville to be friends. It would be a good way to give Harry a chance to have a friend with someone that has a good chance of being a positive influence without getting politics too involved.
1/1 c11 AkashaPsihi
i love this story. Sure, Hammertime is more interesting, but this story is like a fine wine.
12/19/2024 c3 1Bearmauls
I mean, you could make some arguments re Pettegrew murder. He's identified Pettegrew as a marked Voldemort supporter during a time of war (or at least civil insurrection). He's a member of the police force in hot pursuit of a criminal who was just directly involved in a double-homicide (the Potters). Not saying it would necessarily be a clean kill, but things are a bit muddier than just saying 'Sirius would have murdered Pettigrew, then gone straight to Azkaban'.
12/17/2024 c11 liziprincsama
I'm really looking forward to the next chapter.

Please update soon because the good thing is coming right now.

I can't wait to see Harry
11/20/2024 c11 1bleachorange
Ive enjoyed the read. I hope to see more in the future.
10/30/2024 c8 ClimChangeIsReal
Wth is this NTR/Cuck porn trash? Im out.
10/26/2024 c11 prabhatchoudhary2022
Great story and chapter
10/22/2024 c11 3marius1117
10/21/2024 c11 marlastiano
good :)
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