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for Ain't that a kick in the head?

2/18 c10 6WampusoWoo
In all honestly, get the fuck out of here and actually write something.
1/22 c3 1LionLordEscanor
Interesting concept, but learn how to write cohesively yourself. Or at least how to properly edit whatever program you used.
11/26/2023 c1 6Zooms
I have no words for this. Please learn to write yourself.
11/10/2023 c1 itsFAX
How about you go and write it yourself. Christ, if there was only a dislike button.
11/5/2023 c1 3david arturo farfan soto 1998
skynet is slowly taking over the world and also fanfiction now there is ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE that praises writers, hahaha xd

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