Just In
for Fairy Tale Adventure

2/11 c3 Mariegrey90
Your writing is absolutely captivating, and your story left a strong impression on me. I truly believe it has amazing potential as a comic, and I’d love to explore the idea of bringing it to life. As a commission-based digital artist with experience in comic collaborations, I’d be excited to work with you. Feel free to reach out to me on Discord (danban1247275) or Twitter ( Mariegrey90).
1/29 c3 2Mr. Haziq
I thought Kageyama was gonna get possesed
1/16 c1 ZoyeZest
Hey there! I hope you're doing great!

I just finished reading your story Fairy Tale Adventure, and I absolutely loved it! I'd be thrilled to adapt it into my comic style or even animation. I'd work on it as a commission, and I think you'd really enjoy the final result something you might even want to share!

I'm a digital artist open for commissions and have a few spots available. I work on various types of artwork, my rates are reasonable, and I always deliver high-quality pieces. If you're interested, let’s discuss it further!

You can reach me here:
- Discord: baran59354
- DeviantArt: baran59354
- Twitter: ZoyeZest
- Instagram: baran59354

Looking forward to hearing from you!
1/15 c2 Mr. Haziq
Well, that went well
1/14 c2 4Gerak999
I really liked the interaction between Simon and Erza. The cake part was just lol... the drunk was asking for it XD
11/24/2024 c1 2Mr. Haziq
Some proofreading needed, but certainly interesting
8/31/2024 c1 Kent Morgan
Good choice going with Ice King. He's actually stupidly overpowered.

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