Just In
for Remnant's Cursebreaker

16h c33 Lolmang101
Emotional bonding and interactions straight in to my veins! Loving the little moments of levity between the intensity and tokyo ghoul. Sakugaing that whole sequence out with eso and kezhizu creating a whole river of bloodand the explanation for the magnetic rounds are a great extension of reamants technology and the flash back with the jinn.

Grandpa Ozzy! Also love the Kenjaku cameo from beyond the cursed realm. Its seems that due to the cursed realm beijg couped up many souls and curses still lingered. Such like the spirits of of eso and keshizu.

Cant wait to see more blake binding with the rest of the itadori family.
2/10 c1 HolyFather
catch these hands in the fucking summary is wild and i love it
2/8 c33
Kevin levin reference detectada
2/7 c1 1megalucario21212121
Hi, I wanted to know if you would give me permission to upload your story on my channel, as well as make a spin off story that would not be connected to the canon beyond chapter 17.
2/7 c32 skinnn

kenny breaking the fourth wall shocked me like a damn flash bang
2/7 c33 Dhestrya
2/7 c32 BunGodMundo
Another top notch action sequence! Never expected Blake would move on so easily after all... that but doesn't feel too off when continuing the story.
Btw what's the status on your Metal Gear/FSN Fic? I've been itching to see how papa Jack mentors Sakura through the war.
2/6 c1 Guest
Um actually Yuji is Sukuna’s best buddy
2/7 c32 EngineerGaming1
Another banger
2/7 c33 Reader20448
Another good chapter and it's peak. Also I like Ironwoods new semblance, not bad. I await for the next one.
2/5 c1 Guest
This is the first fanfiction I've read with Itadori Yuji as the protagonist. I'm glad he's in character.
2/3 c32 Guest
It take them a lot to come to like and trust each others. Their friendships started slow but were anchored. It was wonderful to see them gradually open up, conversations mean the world. It was adorable to see them forming a romance relationship, their fondness for each others were not clear cut and we see them being emotional, a physical lol through lots of kicking and punching haha I will be surprised Weiss and Yuji choose to break up, and will be disappointed. But hey this isn’t a complain. Keep going!
1/30 c26 Chris72637
bot right below me
1/29 c32 Naedine-Daki
I wanted to let you know how much I admire your incredible storytelling. Your work really resonated with me, and I think it would make an outstanding comic. As a commission-based digital artist with experience in comic collaborations, I’d love to discuss bringing your story to life. If you’re interested,
you can reach out to me on Discord: lishafang or Twitter: Pelu_Oficial123.
1/28 c32 10Ghost of The Drive-In
Ahhh, nothing like reading three whole chapters of trauma mixed with drama and lore dropping to make a man look back on his life and appreciate it.
For starters I know that the author claimed that the RWBY and JJK power systems are rather similar to each other, but with these past three chapters he's also pointed out how different Sorcerers and Huntsmen/Huntresses are in practice. Yuji is used to being forced to make rapid fire decisions and not give away any information about himself no matter how trivial it may seem (since in JJK revealing information about techniques can actually give the yapper a boost in power, or reveal ways to counter it). This is fine in situations likes the Culling Games, where survival of the fittest is the name of the game. But as we have seen time and time again in Remnant, all this mindset does is get Yuji into deeper trouble legally, politically, and even theologically thanks the to the Faunus worshipping Sukuna. Additionally it's also affected his personal relationships. Take Weiss for example: she knew he saw himself as a terrible person and was generally closed off on certain subjects, and the subjects he did discuss with her were either strange mundane items or existential dread regarding his seeming immortality. Sukuna stealing Yuji's voice while explaining just how close Weiss came to being shredded by offering to unlock Yuji's Aura probably put a lot of things into perspective... but combined with Winter being mutilated and him (Sukuna) saying he was gonna rape Weiss using Yuji's body before killing her has definitely taken priority here (also congratulations to Congo on nearly one-upping The Eclipse, Miura would be proud). Now our favorite pink haired boy is on the run, being hunted for crimes against humanity and being subjected to warcrimes by Ironwood with all of his friends either being terrified of him, angry at him for trying to keep them safe from the demon within him, or dead.
I can't wait to see how this turns out.
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