Just In
for This Ain't Valentine

1/26 c4 nnnnmhughuuhhjiijj
Arthur Morgan in Cyberpunk2077? What's next?.. John Marston in Arknights? Or Hosea Matthews in Nier:Automata?
12/18/2023 c5 Josh1995
Great to see a story develop from the youtube video idea alway thought arthur would be broken as a cyberpunk.
11/20/2023 c1 vulcunniko
Please. Don't use AI to write this. Write it on your own.
11/5/2023 c1 Guest
Hate that more and more people keep doing this. Writing is an art not meant for ai. Ai don't understand a story it replicates already existing things it takes characters with meaning and makes them do things they never would. Just a horrible thing that appears in all of our arts, people using AI to do something that they don't have the skill to do (the AI I'm not shitting on people who use it). Completely perverting the very meaning of art.
11/3/2023 c1 Saturnus Ouranos
A very interesting premise.

Also, congrats on making the first actual RDR2 CP2077 crossover fanfiction probably ever!

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