Just In
for On The Bench

8/23/2024 c73 1MaxTrueOmnipotent1
Frankly this is the action of a hero their universe was fucked and he viewed millions of timelines and the fact that in not even one of them were they all united to survive the crisis is just sad so he did the only thing necessary just likto save the world he needed to destroy just like a canceros lump on your leg in order to live you need to destroy the whole limb i. Pree to save the rest of the body thats what he did
8/23/2024 c73 Reader20448
8/23/2024 c73 Erratically
Not gonna lie, I can just barely follow the events of this chapter. Eren created a new wall to motivate everyone to be better? Definitely going to need some more clarification as to why this was the 'best future' going into the final chapter. In addition, it seems that my worry from the earliest chapters of this story were entirely accurate. Eren's going to die and there's not much that can be done about it.

I'm also a little unsure what to think about the revelation that God was behind it all. Feels a little too close to the olOnly Ymir knows..." from AOT. I personally didn't care for that as I felt like it removed some of the autonomy from the characters. Who knows though, maybe the final chapter will make me think differently. Even if the finale is unsatisfying, I'm still glad to have read this story. Good chapter!
8/18/2024 c72 Uday Sra
8/18/2024 c72 Erratically
I have no clue what's to come next, yet I am happy to have read this regardless. I would have preferred to have Eren's goal be more clearly conveyed throughout the story rather than being told through second-hand information and the inevitable exposition dump that awaits us in the epilogue. However, I'll withhold my disappointment as even with some of my grievances (there is no way this story ends with Eren alive), this is still one of the best AOT crossovers on this platform. Kudos to you author for a great read as well as a hearty fuck you for ruining my dreams of this story ending in Eren going on to live a long, happy life. Great chapter!
8/18/2024 c72 Terracotta Tortilla
Why is someone coming to this story and whining about you not making smut in a different story? Brooo, fanfic reviewers weird as hell sometimes. Bro isn't even complaining under the correct story.

Good chapter, this is good. Almost the end now
8/18/2024 c72 can1eventrustyou
you never realeased a lemon chapter for Emma in Rapturous Rhapsody even though Her's would have been the most interesting. why is that?
8/18/2024 c72 Kalstorm99
Amazing chapter! I'm glad that Rizevim got to realize that he lost in the end, that he died in horror, agony and fear because it is what he deserves. I'm also quite excited to see the culmination of Eren's plans, how he will handle Trihexa and what he needs Great Red to be in the Paths for, and to finally see why he is smiling in the end. I really liked both of glimpses the into Rias and Serafall that we got, as Serafall was funny and lighthearted which was a nice break from the seriousness of the rest of the chapter and I hope she can recharge her So-Tanium soon, Rias was a fascinating look into how most of the rest of the cast is dealing with the aftermath of their first real combat and the other consequences of some their actions. I also really liked Georg's thoughts on becoming a teacher for future heroes and finding the reincarnations of his friends, as that feels sweet to me and a nice add-on to the legend of the Hero Faction. See you Friday on the bench.
8/18/2024 c72 1Lordfinn
Turns out his Sacred Gear cancel ability doesn't make Rizevim immune to karma...
8/18/2024 c72 Shuuoo
I hope Eren and Mikasa will has ‘I will wrap the scarf around you again and again. Forever’ moment before end
8/18/2024 c72 1Lustrous-Major
Holy Shit we’re close to the end. There’ll be an empty pit in my stomach once this story’s done.
8/18/2024 c72 Reader20448
Only two more chapters left huh? Damn this story was goddamn phenomenal can't wait for the last two chapters. 10/10 chapter
8/18/2024 c72 1MaxTrueOmnipotent1
I still dont understand where Cao Cao and yhe hero faction is even of they died he was the wielder og the longinus and the rest fought and killed against threats againsy humanity by the design of Gods System they would be sent to Heaven or at the very leadt Cao Cao would be the longinus recognized and acknowledged Cao Cao wish which by defut God approved so theyvwould be in hesven and theirs litterally nothing preventing them from returning to the land of the living as angels.

Finally the grail defies the concept of death. So if Eren where to die his titan powers go eith him however the grail capable of resurrecting him free of the power of the titans. So I see no reason for him to just give up snd ultimately everyyhing he did wasn’t anywhere near unforgivable as no one of real importance died besides Issei well before his ressuction so their isnt anyone who mattered to him who would hate him.
he doesnt need to drown himself down in self pity and despair and just give up on life lile in aot.
He can simply live a happy and peaceful life with Sona, KurukaMikasa and the rest.
8/17/2024 c71 Abyss Emperor
Well, the circumstances of Misaka and Eren being there is ominous, not nearly as ominous though of whatever the hell is happening inside of Red’s Corpse.

I can also assume Eren’s still in there repeatedly boosting for some out come as I doubt it’d be Issei. (I didn’t notice him in this chapter but I could have just read to fast and skipped over him)

But still I guess there wouldn’t be any other better hiding space then in the body of what was once the strongest being….Like man is it really bloody ominous.

Well on a upside it was touching to see what Georg was up to.
8/16/2024 c71 Erratically
Not much to say here. Another great entry. Looking forward to Sunday. Good chapter!
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