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for Bewitched

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Shouldn't Edward know the extent of Bella's powers
12/3/2024 c26 VryUnique
Thanks for the story! It was great.
Are witches immortal? I don't recall it saying they were.
12/3/2024 c25 VryUnique
I'm glad Bella still has her Aunt and that they didn't have a falling out.
I could see Siobhan's reasoning, she had seen all possible futures and
what happened needed to happen.
12/3/2024 c24 VryUnique
I'm glad that Bella is going to let Edward make it up to her.
12/3/2024 c23 VryUnique
Edward and the family should have acknowledged that Bella saved their lives.
There was no way they were getting out of Volterra if Bella hadn't shown up.
Hopefully Bella was watching the families conversation and knows that Edward
was just trying to save her pain.
12/3/2024 c22 VryUnique
They deserved it! Self defense.
Edward has a lot of explaining to do.
12/3/2024 c21 VryUnique
Bella's visions surpass Alice's visions. Bella is an asset and shame on
Edward for not consulting her.
12/3/2024 c20 VryUnique
Esme was right. I'm glad Edward took her advice.
12/3/2024 c19 VryUnique
No. Not pleased about what Edward is planning in the long run.
I do like the idea of sending the Volturi to Forks and the wolves.
I only hope that Seth stays safe, maybe Leah because she seemed
to only want Seth safe. The others I don't care so much.
12/3/2024 c18 VryUnique
Awesome! I was wondering if Bella could get Esme's arm back. I wish we could have
an outtake of Carlisle's reaction.
12/3/2024 c17 VryUnique
I doubt Bella will have a choice when it comes to the Volturi.
I can't imagine that they have given up on trying to take her
or kill her.
12/3/2024 c16 VryUnique
If Bella is so powerful then maybe she can think of Esme's arm and
get it back. Either by it appearing in her hands or her showing up
where it is, which would be dangerous.
12/3/2024 c15 VryUnique
I had been wondering if Charlie was really trying to hurt Jacob or injure him
before he attacked. I assumed injure since he was able to attack and kill Charlie.
Bella said it was rays of purple but it's unclear if that was for stun or kill. Bella
used purple when she was trying to go light on the rock so I assumed it was for
stun but she destroyed the rock with a purple ball so I'm unsure.
12/3/2024 c14 VryUnique
That was a plot twist.
12/3/2024 c13 VryUnique
Uh oh!
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