Just In
for Thy Rusted Knight

2/13 c31 1R-king 93
Awesome chapter
2/12 c21 CoG.EMIYA
This is the scene I am imagining when he is fighting Ozpin. Glad to read it in action.
2/12 c16 CoG.EMIYA
Its better if this is an omake. It destroys the serious mood of the story and thier characterization not to mention that the dead being selfish is out of norm unless he can miraculously revive her.
2/12 c15 CoG.EMIYA
Kindly include a lemon start and end next time. Poor Jaune, will he continue to have wet dreams or will he succeed in reviving Pyrrha?
2/12 c13 CoG.EMIYA
Awts, not the way I imagine it end. I am expecting a more darker or berserk mode...
Nice chapter ending though
2/11 c10 CoG.EMIYA
dam... Jaune's emotional lines with Pyrrha hit hard.
2/7 c15 Guest
That is the most over the top cringe inducing smut i have ever seen put to words. It utterly failed to perform and outright ruined what could've been had for a moment like this by shunting every possible story beat aside to push this fics reality in that of comical hentai.

I honestly can't beleive that these lines were out to a word doc. I've already been skimming a lot due to lots of typos, sentence structure issues, and grammar issues, but this just took the cake for me. We went from enjoyable at parts to completely and utterly immersion breaking in a few lines. I was outright laughing at the absurdity of it.

I sincerely wish you would've jusy done a fade to black.
2/6 c30 R-king 93
Awesome chapter
2/6 c28 1GideonBlackthorn
oh my such wickedness...I LOVE IT.
2/6 c30 Axccel
What would Blake even report to the faculty? That Weiss disapproves of the White Fang? Oh no, how terrible. Definitely against the rules! Literally the only thing Blake could say would be to lie through her teeth.

"Stood aside while they hurled vile accusations"? Look at little Ms. Racist treating letting someone speak her piece as a personal attack. Can't allow anyone who disagrees with you have a voice if you're a bigot, after all. Otherwise, you might have to face some reality!

She even denies they're terrorists when their terrorism is the exact reason for why she left. Just like in canon, lol!

Blake is entirely in the wrong. Weiss has every right to be wary. Not only does she have a faunus supremacist group of terrorists devoted to killing her family, but she's seen family friends (and probably family members) be killed off or kidnapped by them. Her most recent experience was a White Fang member trying to murder her at the Beacon entrance exam IIRC with a freaking chainsaw. Trusting faunus is literally suicidal for her. Now, one of her closest friends turns out to not only be a faunus, but was HIDING that she is a faunus, AND was a member of the White Fang. On to of that SHE STILL SUPPORTS THE WHITE FANG and speaks in its defense.

You cannot be more in the wrong than Blake. It's impossible. She hit rock bottom. The ONLY reason the audience is intended to sympathize with her is because she's a faunus. And this is aside from the fact that the faunus are very obviously not oppressed and so that whole terrorist group doesn't even have a reason to exist. The reason they turned to violence was because they were demanding what they already had (seriously bad writing from Rooster Teeth, I suspect there was more than one writing team and they didn't share notes). Logically, either what they really wanted was favoritism, or they wanted to make an excuse for violence because they're racists supremacists. You don't skip straight to being genocidal like the White Fang did unless that was already on your mind. So, she's also probably either heavily indoctrinated or batshit insane to support it.

What's more, most faunus support them and they even have a major presence in Menagerie. Which says a LOT about faunus as a whole.

So, yeah, anyone in his or her right mind would be very wary and suspicious of her. Let alone someone in the group she was part of specifically targets.

Treating it like Weiss is even remotely wrong is extreme victim-blaming. She has NOTHING to apologize for. Blake feeling bad about some tiny fraction of accountability for her own choices is nothing at all compared to Weiss's entirely justified fear for her LIFE.

Also, I doubt that old Jaune's women would have a problem adding Blake to his harem. They seem the sort to get a kick out of it, if anything.
2/6 c1 Lalagristling
So someone’s is getting clamjamed
2/6 c1 arisu freedomstrikes
Hello Dear,
I hope this message finds you well! I recently had the chance to read your story "Thy Rusted Knight" and I was completely captivated. Your narrative is so engaging that I could instantly envision it as a breathtaking comic or animation.
My name is James, and I’m a professional artist specializing in comics, manga, character design, and animation. I work exclusively on a commission basis, providing high-quality, custom artwork that brings creative visions to life.
If you’re interested in commissioning (Paid) a project to turn your story into a visually stunning piece of art, I’d love to discuss the details. You can reach me through any of the following platforms:
Discord: freedomstrikes6523
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Best regards,
2/6 c30 The Last Word Known To Man
Love this reading so far. For the baby, wear something soaked in your scent and put it near them when you lay them down for bed.
2/6 c29 13Beowolf 43
To be honest with you the best way is your heartbeat. Laying them down on your chest is soothing for children that age but getting them to stay asleep is the trick.
1/29 c29 CrunchyText
Good to be reading this, things are ramping up. Happy new year and welcome back.
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