Just In
for Dirty Thirty Reimagined

9/29 c1 Guest
You ate this up so badly
6/6 c1 Guest
Loved this!
4/1 c1 TLP2
Shout out: YES! Thank you.
3/9 c1 MTH
That is EXACTLY how I wanted JE to end this book! That exact line. I envisioned him saying it as they were heading to the airport, or boarding the plane. But, she let us down again.
2/29 c1 Guest
DW I’ve reread this story several times. I love it! Janet should’ve asked for your input or, better yet, had you write the ending to Dirty Thirty. Awesome job!
1/9 c1 Guest
She should have skipped her cousins wedding and headed to Vegas ASAP
12/10/2023 c1 16alate
I didn’t read 30, bit i like your version
11/30/2023 c1 VanGinkelAuthor
Love it.
11/26/2023 c1 Guest
Much better and would be the best as soon as they get married. Should have been before Saturday
11/22/2023 c1 Guest
If only it went like that!
11/21/2023 c1 Mary

If Janet breaks Ranger's heart, I'll never forgive her.
11/18/2023 c1 Guest
Great story! Professional and I want more!
11/20/2023 c1 BristolsMom
Awesome short. Love it
11/16/2023 c1 Geri
Oh my god yes- this is SO MUCH BETTER!
11/18/2023 c1 Tommy14
Yowzer! Impressive how fast Ranger works when he is motivated. Love the fact Steph said yes to his proposal and that he has the rings from Hawaii.
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