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8/16/2024 c1 Guest
8/15/2024 c1 Green Eyed Lana Lee
Delightful and thank you for making me smile, giggle and finally belly laugh!
7/25/2024 c1 Havelanca
WHAT THE HECK WHAT THE HECK WHAT THE HECK. Your story was amazing enough that I braved the silly interface of ffn to read it and it was 1000% worth it. This is freaking incredible. The writing was superb right from the start, the tension was built beautifully, Draco’s idiot-in-love pining was delicious wonderful marvellous characterisation, the dialogue was so natural, the friends were so fun, it was so comedic, FRICK! Honestly this had me giggling and blushing and kicking my feet like a delusional schoolgirl the whole time. This so easily making my downloads of all-time favourite fanfics. Goodness gracious me, thank you so much for writing - I genuinely had the best time. ️️️
6/2/2024 c1 Guest
Oh that is really cute, loved this.
4/6/2024 c1 Guest
Oh, I love this. It's so sweet and fluffy, and I cried a bit because it's so emotional.

Great piece! After I post this, I'm going to see if you have other stories up!

Thank you for writing this!
3/26/2024 c1 2Light on the Horizon
Lovely story!
3/24/2024 c1 alexapadou
This was super cute
3/16/2024 c1 7Forensica X
So. stinking. CUTE! I love your short stories as much as your epics.
2/2/2024 c1 Mariana Rosillo
What a nice shot, thanks for it!
1/31/2024 c1 Byentutin
Shouldn’t have read this in public right before my period. Now I’m trying to hide my tears while eating spicy fried chicken.
1/11/2024 c1 gothamloves
1/11/2024 c1 Guest
1/4/2024 c1 Deadly Mother
What a very satisfying story! I enjoyed reading it.
1/1/2024 c1 Tamras1972
giving your other stories a read while waiting on New Blood. This one is sweet and so Draco.
12/23/2023 c1 Blu3zClu3z
Lovely story! Thanks for sharing
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