Just In
for Another Kind of Magic - Part 1

14h c1 FreeAllFrogs
Thank you. I really liked all of your stories.
5/11 c1 Pokemark17
Wait this is it?
12/11/2023 c1 4EricFreak
Fast paced but enjoyable.
11/26/2023 c1 mielovebooks
Great story!
11/23/2023 c1 8MythsterBlack
You tell wonderful stories, and they are so well written and thought out, I feel like I'm reading that of a literary scholar. Then I find out I am. (grins) Thx for the great entertainment. Looking forward to much more from you.
11/20/2023 c1 Guest
I really enjoy Harry's wit here. Just don't know if fixing Voldemort that quickly was really smart.
11/20/2023 c1 3Jason Orrin
Really intresting writing. The only fault is that Harry's character is inconsistant when he speaks vs all the times. (Like when you 'tell' us his emotions and thoughts.)
11/20/2023 c1 Annie Magus
Great story! I knew nothing about Doctor Strange, but you made this easy to follow and understand. Thank you for writing.

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