Just In
for Christmas Hearts

1/9 c1 Karen Martin
I can't wait for the next chapter! This was GREAT!
11/30/2023 c1 Maddie0507
I love Allie's advice to her Dad to "just tell her" lol. If only it was that simple. Nathan has every reason to hesitate. I am looking forward to more chapters. Thank you for sharing your story.
11/24/2023 c1 Karen Martin
Oooh! Great chapter! Please don’t make us wait long for the next one. Lol! Allie-gotta love her advice! Thank you for this treat!
11/24/2023 c1 6storyfan45
Thank you for sharing! I'm looking forward to more chapters!
11/24/2023 c1 SaSeLi777
Great way to have both Allie AND Nathan invite E on a ‘date.’ Looking forward to the rest of the story.
11/24/2023 c1 Guest
Super histoire. Hâte de lire la suite
11/24/2023 c1 Dmancill
Thank you for the TBC, definitely anxious for more chapters. Take care of yourself and please keep writing.

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