Just In
for Solace

1/24 c26 1teerandom
I loved reading and then just became more disappointed as the chapters went on. A very dissatisfying and non-communicative Bella, just made everything, the plot lines, their relationship, so stagnant. Beautifully written though
1/9 c26 Guest
Good story.
12/17/2024 c26 mitzywan
What an incredible gripping story! What a perfect mix of drama, love, and mystery. I was so hooked right from the start! I was so captivated with the world you have created and all the mysteries in this. I loved this courageous Bella so much. There's nothing I love more than a woman who stands up for what's right and has learned to fight for herself. I absolutely loved her character. It's heartwarming reading the Cullen family's love for each other. I am in awe of your talent and the way you captivated readers with your stories! Looking forward for any future outtakes! I can't get enough of reading Bella and Edward's love story and how it will blossom even more in the future!
11/28/2024 c26 Babyface Carter
Wow! What an amazing story, Loved reading, Solace. A fantastic plot that I didn’t see the twist coming! I realized the other day that I had not finished this story ( was distracted by starting another story ) but I’m so thankful to have had a chance to finish this one. I look forward to reading more of your stories!

Thanks for sharing your story and us!
10/28/2024 c26 2xx Miss Bonnie xx
omg that was an amazing read! i loved this story so much! thank you for sharing! it was so different to any other fanfictions i have read!
8/18/2024 c26 3Evelyne-raconte
I had a wonderful time reading Solace.
What a fantastic ride to take !
Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
Take care of you.
7/22/2024 c26 1Pyejammies
I’ve stopped getting alerts so have only now caught up on this. I loved the very satisfying ending where all the good guys have a happy life ahead of them and the bad guys have met their demise. Perhaps a spin-off featuring Angela and Emmett would be a good one. Theirs is an unusual pairing. Thank you for pulling this out of your feverish consciousness and bringing it out into the world with the help of Mel and Pamela.
7/10/2024 c1 Edith
Hola! Cómo estás? Gracias por permitir a Erika traducir tú historia ️ ame profundamente a Edward y los Cullen un placer pues nunca jamás los imagine así pero los amo mucho
7/9/2024 c1 Malicaro
Hello, my name is Manoli, I am from the south of Spain, Granada. I wanted to thank you for giving Erica Castelo permission to translate this wonderful story.
Thanks you so much.
A greeting from Spain.
7/9/2024 c26 Marymary123
Loved your story
7/9/2024 c26 Smedina
Gracias por permitir a Eri la traducción de esta maravillosa historia.
7/9/2024 c1 Antonia
Muchas gracias por dejar que Ericastelo traduzca su historia. Sin ella no la conoceríamos. Muchas gracias
7/9/2024 c1 Veronica
La historia te atrapa desde el minuto 1.
Y no se puede dejar de leer.
Muchas gracias por los capítulos.
7/10/2024 c1 21Isis Janet

Thanks for allowing Eri to translate this story.
7/10/2024 c26 Tata XOXO
Hi! I just passing by to thanks you for let Eri to translate this story to spanish... is so good and I love how the end up finally in peace and together! Edward's family accept Bella as one more of them! And Bella is really strong!
Thanks a lot again and sorry about my english!
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